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Using Power Automate Zendesk connector to create Ticket from Microsoft Forms - Responder as Ticket Requester
Posted Oct 22, 2021
Hello was hoping that someone can assist with this. I am very new to using Power Automate.
I have been able to get to the point where when a Microsoft Form is Submitted it will create a Zendesk ticket in the group_id that I want.
What I can't do is have the ticket created as from the Responder's e-mail. Is anyone able to assist with this?
Brett Bowser
Hey Sarah,
I'm not familiar with the the Power Automate integration with Zendesk so I'm afraid I won't be much help in this area. It looks like this integration was created my Microsoft so it may be worth reaching out to them for assistance. I was able to find their integration page that may also point you in the right direction: Power Automation Zendesk
I hope this helps!
Chris Green
Were you ever able to resolve this? We are running into the same thing with Power Automate. It seems the Zendesk Connector is quite limited. All of our tickets are getting created with our connector account (SVC-Zendesk) as the requester, not the staff user.
Paul Storic
I too am trying to accomplish this but haven't been able to figure it out yet. If the ticket cannot be submitted by the end user can the form filler at least be CC'd on the ticket?
Chris Green
Paul Storic - I was able to resolve this.
All I'm doing is passing the 'Created By Email' in as 'requester':
Dave Dyson
Power Automator
Chris Green can you show us the full flow? I don't know exactly what you did to make it work :(
Did you use a custom component?
Chris Green
Power Automator - which specific part are you trying to get to work? Passing in the requester?
All you need to do is pass the email address into the following in the API call:
"requester": "",
Chris Green
You would just use the 'email_ccs'
Randy Bagby
Long shot on this but Chris, you aren't using the Zendesk Premium connector, right? I assume you are using HTTP Post method to
api/v2/tickets right?
Samuel Geonetta-Trihus
Not sure if folks are still trying to figure this out, but I was able to get it to work by adding a step to GET the Zendesk user_id filtering by email address, and then submitting the ticket with the user_id as dynamic content. So the most simple flow would be:
Happy to fill out more details if folks are still interested.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing that answer, Samuel!
Niklas Engberg
Samuel Geonetta-Trihus - I'm trying to accomplish the same thing but I can't get it to work. Could you please share more details on the four steps you are suggesting? I couldn't attach pictures to this comment but I uploaded them to my OneDrive here: Power automate.
My main issue is to get the requestor for the ticket as per the respondent's email. What should be put as the requester_id?
Thanks in advance.
Samuel Geonetta-Trihus
Hrm I can't get the image uploader to work here either...
The requester_id field should just be the Zendesk "id" field - the top one in your screenshot.
The only other thing that I noticed I was doing that you are not currently doing in your Zendesk Get items query is to enter the following into the "Select Query" box at the bottom:
You do also need to be sure that an end-user exists in your Zendesk account whose email is an exact match to the email address of the form submitter.
Let me know if that makes sense. I can try to share some screenshots too via OneDrive if that would help.
Gurveer Brar
Hi Samuel Geonetta-Trihus
I have done the same as you have suggested, but i get the below error. my form is very similar to what Niklas has setup.
ExpressionEvaluationFailed. The execution of template action 'Apply_to_each' failed: the result of the evaluation of 'foreach' expression '@outputs('Get_items')?['body/value']' is of type 'Null'. The result must be a valid array.
When i make it an array, the form work and submits but the Requester_ID filed changes to forms id instead of Zendesk id and all requests are getting logged as myself and not the person submitting the form.
the Form works when submitted like this, but its logging the ticket as me
Samuel Geonetta-Trihus
Gurveer Brar thanks for commenting here. I've actually since updated my flow - I think the way I was doing it originally only works for small orgs (I think the "Get Items" users API on the Zendesk side has a limit of the number of fields it will return.
You can use the Zendesk search API with a Parse JSON field to get the ID.
It's just a GET HTTP request to"form-responder' dynamic field"
Parse JSON schema I used. This can be auto-generated based on the HTTP response body. I used that and basically got rid of everything other than ID and Count, since I'm using the count field in my condition. See also images below, and let me know if that makes sense and you have any questions.
Samuel Geonetta-Trihus
JFYI the other way you can go about this if you just need form responses and not a lot of other dynamic data from MS is to use or another product with an easier UX. The Power Automate Zendesk connector seems to be really limited in my experience... I often find myself using custom HTTP requests to the Zendesk API.
When I was starting out the Zendesk custom fields were giving me such a headache that I used Power Automate to watch for form responses and when a response is received to call the API. Then on the side you can use the API call from Power Automate to trigger a Make flow that looks at a OneDrive spreadsheet for form responses and uses those to create a Zendesk ticket. You need to recreate the form though in your personal OneDrive as a linked excel form.
Gurveer Brar
Samuel Geonetta-Trihus, Thanks! Option 1 worked a treat :)