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Erase tags

Posted Jul 07, 2014


A suggestion for the future is to be able to see all tags you have ever created and be able to delete any accidental typo tags and non used tags.






Hi everyone, 

So, there is a way to see all the tags you've used in Zendesk tickets, and then to remove ones you don't want, with the caveat that you can not remove tags from Closed tickets, because Closed tickets can't be modified in any way. Another caveat is that tags are used to connect tickets to the values of dropdown fields and (optionally) checkbox fields, so make sure you don't delete any tags that are going to mess those fields up.

You'll use Explore to create a list of the tags, and then use an Automation to remove tags you don't want from non-Closed tickets:

Build a report using Explore:

  1. In Explore, create a new Query using the Support (Tickets) dataset.
  2. Under Metrics, click Add > and select Tickets > Tickets.
  3. Next to Filters, click Add >, select Ticket > Ticket status, and exclude Closed tickets. (You can't change those tickets anyway, so there's no reason to clutter up your query results.)
  4. Under Rows, click Add > and select Ticket > Ticket tags.
  5. Go to Visualization type in the list of icons on the right side of your Explore query editor, and select Table.
  6. Give your query a name (where it says New query), and click Save so you don't have to remember how to build this query again next time.

This should give you a table with two columns: a list of tags, and the number of tickets each tag was used in (for the tickets you haven't filtered out). I recommend exporting this (click the down-arrow by the Save button and select Export) to CSV, and import that file into your favorite spreadsheet program. Then you can flag the misspelled tags or whichever other tags you want to remove. Make a comma-separated list of the tags you want to remove.

Then, you'll want to build an Automation to remove the tags:

  1. In Support, go to the admin settings and click Business Rules > Automations.
  2. Click Add Automation, and give your new automation a name, like "Remove old tags". (Best practices tip: you may want to add your name and the date to your automation name, in case someone else finds this automation later and wonders what it was for.)
  3. Under Conditions, select Ticket:Status less than Closed.
  4. Under Conditions, select Ticket:Tags contains at least one of the following, and paste your list of tags into the text field provided.
  5. Under Actions, select Ticket: Remove tags, and paste your list of tags into the text field provided here as well.
  6. Click Save.

The tags fields in the automations editor will accept a large amount of text, but it's not unlimited. If you find it's telling your you've entered too much text, then split your list of tags into two or more chunks, and create an automation as I've specified above for each chunk of tags.

The next time your automations run (roughly hourly), it will start removing the tags from tickets. If you have tens of thousands or more tickets that will be affected by this, the automation may not complete in the first hour – if that's the case, it will continue to run each hour and process more tickets until the task is complete. In fact, the automation will continue to run each hour, trying to find tickets with these tags and removing them, as long is you keep the automation active. But you can re-run the Explore query you created above and that should should that the tags you've selected should be removed, and then once those tags are gone, you can deactivate the automation by going back to Business Rules > Automations, clicking the checkbox next to your tag-removing automation(s), and clicking the Deactivate button that appears.

I realize this isn't an easy one-stop "Remove Tags" shop, but hopefully it will give you what you need for now at least.


In admin console, go to Manage > People then select "tags" under the search bar.  This shows all tags ever used.  For me I have over 900 that I need to remove... bulk delete would be very helpful.


This is exactly what I need. We can see them but just like you said, we need bulk.

Placing them into a search bar like when you search for tags in the "views" .

Then having a delete button.

Would save a lot of hassle for my team. 


We have seen that you can erase tags, but just the most used ones, and it's not able to select a tag that maybe, has been only used just a few times, and erase it. You know how be can solve that?


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Ryan Winkler

Zendesk Product Manager

Another solution to erasing tags with ease is to use an automation. To do so , go to

ADMIN>>> Business Rules >>>Automations. See below for an example:

Otherwise you could search for tickets by specific, and manually delete them.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to find a way to delete tags because there were used X amount of times, or anything similar, but this may be a suitable option for some.

If you want to take the API route, You can pull a list of what tags have been used, descending by popularity, then delete them as well, by name. Definitely worth a look. Check it out HERE. 

You may also want to check out the app from our Zendesk labs, Tag locker. It may help with preventing typo's in the future, and lock your tags to a present amount, based on user roles.

Hope that helps! I'll update this if I find any other workarounds, for the time being.



Since it's impossible to remove tags from Closed tickets we're stuck with false tags forever (or until Zendesk will support removing these tags from the system / removing tags from closed conversations)


Hello Zendesk,

Is this option considered to be implemented?

We use tags also for current issues, but if the issue is resolved, I wish to delete it from the menu that shows up when I'm starting to write tags to attach them to a ticket.

It should be possible to manage tags more efficiently, to avoid a jungle of tags which are not used anymore.

Thanks in advance!


We really need a way to replace tags from closed tickets, since deleting them is not an option. We are left with several typos and incorrectly named tags forever and they are a source of confusion for our agents.

A suggested workaround: add the ability to remove tags from showing in the suggested list of tags.


Bizarrely as I have been hunting this function down, I haven't found any mention of the really well hidden "Remove tag XXX from all topics and open tickets." option in any Zendesk articles

so here it is

If you go to the tag cloud and then click through to the listed tickets and scroll to the bottom of the page... nestling in an almost dead part of the screen where the eye isn't going to see it is...Ta-dah!


OK so it's not what we are asking for here as it's only dealing with "Open" tickets (and I'm therefore assuming that infers it's not dealing with anything that is "on Hold" or "Pending" as it's not "NOT Closed"!)

But it's at least a start to begin filtering out some of the longterm abuses from the AutoTagging feature.

Quite why any UX designer has felt the need to obfuscate this option to such a large degree.....


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

@Richard -- GREAT FIND!!!

What the issue would continue to be is, if that tag was created from inheriting it from a user account, for example, then we can remove the tag from all the open tickets but not find the source. How frustrating to have to remove the symptom but not be able to identify correct the cause!


I would like to vote on this request to be able to delete tags not used from showing as an option in the drop down when typing into the field. This is extremely confusing for agents in training, for instance, if the admin created a tag such as bump_1 and decided that the tag bump1 would be better (faster to type). New agents in training to use Zendesk and our processes get stuck and can't remember which one they are supposed to use. It would be great to offer admins a bit more room for error and the ability to remove old tags, unused tags from even showing as an option when agents begin typing a tag in the tag field. This is very basic logic and is available with other less advanced/robust CRM's that I've used in the past, such as A leader in CRM software such as Zendesk should be able to offer this as an option. Especially when their customers have been loudly requesting this feature for going on 5 years.  (This thread alone is over 4 years old and still no change and I confirmed with a Zendesk agent today that this is not in their product roadmap).


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Sunee - 

Thanks for the feedback. This hasn't been implemented as we haven't seen this request from a significant number of customers at this point in time. However, folks are welcome to continue up-voting the original post and sharing their detailed use cases (why you need this, how it would impact your business and workflow) with the possibility of it being prioritized in the future. 


Ok, maybe we can do a Facebook campaign and ask other Zendesk users if they'd be willing to "upvote" this feature, because I have heard complaints about it personally from many Zendesk users that I know. Some people just don't bother offering feedback suggestions because they don't have time or expect that nothing will change.


We'd like to delete old tags that aren't in use any longer too


If not able to implement a way to erase tags, at least add a way to prevent tags from showing in the auto-fill option for the ticket field, like a blacklist.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for your comments, Matt and Perla. 



I would like to bump up on Sunee Lewitzky and Perla's request. Any updates on this? It would really good if I can delete tags and only display tags for a particular user/group.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Markus - 

No updates at this time; it's not something that's been prioritized for development this year. Can you tell us anything more about your use-case? 


I made this post in 2014 and they have said the same thing for years. It's 2018 guys!

Come on, get with the program!

I cannot believe I am still receiving updates from this thread and nothing has been done.


This is why we left your services behind as you do not listen to your user base for the things we want/need. 


Not necessarily interested in erasing tags permanently -- the historical data is important, of course. But would love to be able to clear out-of-date / irrelevant tags from the tag menu. We use a lot of tags with similar prefixes. Having the ability to clear old bug tags, for example, so they aren't mistakenly selected again, would be very useful. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

@Ricky - Longevity of a thread is not a data point we use when prioritizing things for development. The number of customers impacted, significance of impact to workflow, and what else is being developed that may solve the problem in other ways are much more important factors in these determinations. To date, the ability to Erase Tags has not risen to the top of the pile as more important or impactful than the other things in the development backlog, and business rules as a whole are not going to be worked on through the end of 2018 as the developers are working on a bigger Support project. 

@Tim - thanks for the feedback. We definitely understand the desire to clear old and erroneous tags - we see this in our own instance. While it's not slated for development in the immediate future, it is something the teams are aware of for future work. 


Nicole, while I too, would love to see the ability to erase tags, I praise you for your well poised "prioritizing" response above and am totally stealing it to use with some of our own customers. Very well said and really good points on prioritizing customer product feature asks.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks, Sunee. We make an effort to be as transparent as possible, and the honest truth is that we wish we could build everything for everyone. But we get so much feedback from our users (which is awesome - we love how much everyone participates!) and we can only realistically build a small percentage of it. Ruthless prioritization is a constant process for any product development team.

That being said, I do want everyone to know that our product teams are working on their roadmaps for 2019 right now, and we have asked them to take this conversation under consideration as they're looking at ways to improve the Support workflows. I don't expect any immediate updates, but we will share here if anything related to removing tags makes it into the plan for the next year.


There is one use case where I think this completely breaks significant features for you. (Or at least that's what your documentation says.)

Turning on automatic tagging means that "Zendesk Support scans new incoming ticket descriptions looking for words longer than two characters and then compares those words to tags that have already been used". This indicates it includes tags on closed tickets. 

If, like us, someone accidentally years ago added "and" and many other useless words to tagging they now completely clutter everything, stop things being tagged correctly, and is now impossible to delete or clean up. This makes the analysis of tags pretty redundant.

Am I wrong here or is this feature now broken because we can't delete old tags on closed tickets.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Conor - 

To be honest, I'm not certain whether automatic tagging looks at closed tickets or not, but I'll see what I can find out for you. 


I would also up vote this feature. We do a lot of reporting based on tags and have had it skewed by typos. Really frustrating.


Being able to delete an accidentally generated tag--wrong because of a typo--is an absolute must-have feature. It is very disappointing that I had to learn today from a support email exchange that this still isn't possible!!!

This has severe implications for our ability to rely on ZenDesk to support our customers. We use tags to trigger for example following up with customers during our membership renewal cycle. We accidentally created a tag that is similar to the right tag; the only difference is that it has a - instead of a _ in the tag name. If someone accidentally uses the wrong tag, that customer's ticket won't resurface at the time we promised the customer a call-back, meaning we look as though we had broken a promise, and meaning that we may miss an opportunity to serve our customers. [I know, I know: we can do a work-around, and create a second trigger that has the wrong tag--but, really, that shouldn't be something we need to do. Just let us delete the tag!!!]

That something as simple as deleting an unused, accidental tag isn't possible, after 3 years of customers requesting this feature, is seriously disappointing. You can do better than that, ZenDesk!


From what I can see, tags are no longer suggested if they only exist on Closed tickets. That solves the problem at hand on my end, which is great. 


Is that ^^ true? It doesn't appear to working like that for me, and if it is, that means I've got a management problem because agents are using non-approved tags. I still have old misspelled tags being suggested.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

@Heike - longevity is not a data point we use to prioritize features. Just because it was asked for a long time ago doesn't make it the most important on our list of things to build. We receive hundreds of requests every week but can only prioritize a few every quarter, which means there are a lot of things that are good ideas that we just haven't been able to get to. I know that's frustrating to hear, but it's the reality of a rapidly expanding product set. 

The product team has read this request and it's simply remained lower priority than other things on the list, but they're still open to doing it at some point if and when we have the bandwidth to do it. 

@Tim and Emily, it actually doesn't have to do with closed tickets, but rather if a tag hasn't been used in 60 days, it will get dropped from your Zendesk Support account's indexing. You can read more about this here: why aren't my tags auto-filling anymore?

This is actually a workaround for everyone here - if you have a tag you don't want used any more, be proactive about telling your teams not to use it and it'll erase itself after 2 months. Not quite as easy/direct as being able to manually remove undesired tags, but it is at least a way to get them to go away until a time when the product team can pick this up. 


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