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Differences between Ticket Audits API, Webhook, Incremental Export API and Audit Logs API

Posted Apr 22, 2022

Hi there, 

I am implementing a flow to track the change events in Zendesk.

For general account activities, I use audit_logs API as user event detection.

For ticket-related events, originally I choose ticket_audits to retrieve but I notice there's a notice 

This endpoint should not be used for capturing change data. When continually chasing the tail of a cursor, some records will be skipped. For this use case, use the Incremental Ticket Event Export API.

So I check the incremental export api, there seems like more than service load can choose like ticket, ticket_events, users and so on.

I am a bit confused about the overlapping among these APIs and have few questions below:

1. Which one is the best choice to monitor all the change events?

2. Does the responses from Incremental Export API fully cover other APIs?

3. What kinds of the records would be skipped during cursor tailing thru ticket_audits API

Any response is appreciated. thanks




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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Mike! Rather than going through each question, I'll give you an answer that should fully answer those questions in a broad way.

We're in the process of rolling out cursor-based pagination to all endpoints. The ticket_audits endpoint uses a version of cursor-based pagination, but it isn't production-ready at this time, as we note here with the 'stability: development' flag. As such, we can't guarantee that certain results might not be skipped at this time. So it's not a question of what specific records might be skipped, it's just possible that some may not be returned in the expected order. 

For your use-case, the best method to use would be the incremental ticket exports API that you linked, using cursor-based pagination.


Hi Greg Katechis,

Thanks again and there's one thing I want to make sure.

Does incremental export API with service load "user" could cover all the results returned from auditlogs API?

Want to make sure that because it will affect the basic implementation flow for us.

Thanks !


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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Honestly, that I'm not sure about. I would recommend checking a sample from both of the APIs and see if there is any mismatch there. It would be really difficult to state with any certainty if something would be in one and not the other, so testing is really your best bet here!


Hi Greg Katechis,

Thanks for your reply, sure I will test the export API with service load user. 

Will keep updated. 



Hi Greg Katechis,


After doing some very rough test between ticket_audits API and `ticket_events` incremental export api with sideload comment_events, got some notes here:

1) ticket_audits contains more events then incremental export events with sideload comment_events

for example, type of ChatEndedEvent, NotificationEvent and WebhookEvent are not shown in `ticket_events` incremental export API.

2) ticket_audits does not skip some arbitrary events. Maybe that's because there're not enormous occurred under my simple testing environment.

3) Rate limit. Requests for incremental export event are only 10 per minute.

So I don't think incremental export api could cover all events in ticket_audits.

And I was wondering if the sideload I used is enough for this testing or is there's anything I miss so far?

Want to seek for some suggestions from you, thanks.




Hi Greg Katechis

Is there any updates ? thanks!

And I can't find the definition of ticket_events response json format, is there any place that I can check out ? 



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