Call Back Feature


Posted Jun 01, 2022

My understanding of the way the call back feature works is that the call back request rings through to all available agents and if no one answers, the call back ticket is not created for another 60 minutes.

Is anyone aware of an add on that provides this call back ticket information more quickly to the agents? This functionality used to exist within ZD but it does not anymore.

Our agents are managing both chat and calls at the same time are not always able to answer when it rings through. However, we can't build in an hour delay to complete the call back. 

Any other advice on good Zendesk Talk add ons would be much appreciated!





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Widson Reis

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Amy,

Thanks for the question. 

I tested this just now and every time I tried a callback ticket was created in less than a minute, most of the time just a few seconds after the callback request was served to and declined by all agents. Are you having a different experience?



Yes I am having a very different experience. It is taking a full hour after all the agents declined or don't answer.

I was told by support that this is intended functionality. I spoke to Evelyne about it as we were troubleshooting other Talk issues. It also reads this way in the instructions - "If it's not actioned within 60 minutes of it being requested, it will be removed from the queue and a Zendesk Support ticket with the subject Callback is created for the agent to action later."

We definitely need it to appear immediately like it used to!


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Widson Reis

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Amy, 

Basically Talk will try to serve the callback request to all agents, for one hour, before creating the ticket. Once all agents have had the opportunity to accept or decline the request, then the ticket is created.

But the status of the agent makes a lot of difference.

Let’s say you have 2 agents. If both decline (or don't answer) the callback request or if one of them decline and the other is in the state ‘offline’ or ‘transfers only’ then the ticket is created immediately.

However if one of the agents is in state ‘away’ or is busy in another call then the ticket will not be created just yet; the callback will be put back in the queue and as soon as the missing agent is ready to receive calls again, the system will route the callback to them. If they decline, the ticket will be created right away. If after 60 minutes no one was available to take the callback then the system gives up trying and finally creates the ticket.

Please, check if none of your agents left their status as 'away' or are busy in another call during the callback request ringing through. If no, I may need to ask you to reopen the ticket so we can take a look.

I hope this helps,


Yes, this is extremely helpful and very likely what was going on.

To confirm, if one agent is on a 45 minute call, for example, we would not receive the call back request ticket for 45 minutes until that agent has been served the callback request or declined it?

If so, is there any plan to change this to exclude agents in an "on call" status?

Thank you so much!


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Widson Reis

Zendesk Product Manager

Yes, Amy, that's exactly what would happen. That single agent, busy on that 45 min call, would indeed hold up the creation of the ticket. We do have plans to review this behaviour as well as make the 60 minutes time window configurable.


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