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Custom Roles in Explore


Posted Jun 02, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

Along with the roles of Admin, Agent, End User in Explore datasets, the custom roles that an instance has should be available as well.

Description/Use Cases: 

Being able to pull the information of agents in reporting rather than scrolling through the role's list of agents in the admin center or via the api is more efficient. This would be useful for auditing access levels as well as potentially highlighting cherry-picking behavior.

One commenter's scenario: Building a report on the number of solved tickets per agent over a given time frame, sorted by custom role. "Agents" is not specific enough in this case, as I need to separate out multiple "mini departments" within our CX instance to accurately measure the number of inbound agents needed to handle the incoming volume.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

Different roles have different permissions and being able to audit efficiently for role is an important part of security.

Other necessary information or resources:

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Zendesk Luminary

+1. We currently use the underlying tags for this, but having the roles available directly would be cleaner. 


+1 - this would definitely help in gathering some insights on how are Light Agents are using Zendesk.


We have a lot of Light Agents in our org and I'd love to be able to exclude them from our reports more easily. Currently it's very labor intensive to make sure they're left out of reporting.


Light Agents and Full Agents are different enough - very different actually. It seems incomplete to only report and filter on admin, agent, end user. We have a need to separate Light Agents from other agents in reporting in Explore.

And while we are discussing Light Agents... It would also be a nice feature to be able to create and name multiple roles which are each Light Agents. Each role could have the same permissions (so as to honor the seat type of the Light Agent and its limits relative to a full agent).  For instance, we might have two full agent roles which are identical but are named differently and collect cohorts of agents - we cannot do the same for Light Agents. So all Light Agents are in the same role. Permissioning is usually okay, but organizing agents is limited. But there are a few permissions for Light Agents (tickets they can access, manage suspended tickets, reports permissions) which, for a large support team like ours, might be better to NOT apply universally. In other words, one cohort of agents might need reports access while another should not have no reports access.


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Monica, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.


This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.

Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.


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Samantha Ramirez

Zendesk Luminary

+1 For an employee service use case, our agents are often also our customers, and it would be helpful to have the option of filtering by custom role in order have more specific data on those interactions.


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