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Ticket View filter by : last update from requester


Posted Jun 03, 2022

I really need to have a view or a Slack notification whenever a requester updates my tickets. However, it doesn't seem possible to configure today.

Do you have a solution please?





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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Benoit,

If I'm understanding you correctly, the easiest solution would be to set the ticket to pending when you reply to a customer. Then when a customer replies back, the ticket would automatically be set to the open status.

Then you could create a view that shows all tickets assigned to you that are in the open status. Let me know if I'm misunderstanding your use case!


Hi, thanks for your reply. I am not sure it will trigger me a Slack notification. Moreover, I will have other open messages.

The Slack integration uses groups to trigger messages. Which can't work just for me. I am currently exploring the Slack webhook.

Please let me know if you have easier ways in mind. Thanks


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The Product Manager Whisperer - 2022Community Moderator

We use these conditions in a trigger:

Update via may be different for you depending on what channel you're using. You can add more conditions to meet your needs. The action would be for your Slack notification, however you do that.


Hi, I found a way to do it. I filtered these replies via email and forwarded them into a dedicated slack channel using my email filters and the Slack email integration.


Nice work, Benoit!


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