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Drop down field in custom ticket form not carrying user selection over to ticket
Posted Feb 01, 2023
Hi all! Any help would be much appreciated. .. I've recently updated our system and can finally use custom ticket forms.. One is using a drop down field with about 8 options. When a user chooses from this field, it is not carrying over to the ticket.. When the agent received the ticket, that field shows as default (blank) rather than the option that the user selected.
I've cleared cookies, cache, tried multiple browsers and it still shows up blank..
To test, I tried with the multi-select field and the same thing happened as well.. Only physically typed in fields are carrying over, and while that's an option for now, it's not the solution we need for good.. This issue is keeping us from being able to properly assign our tickets.
I tried ZD support chat, but sat for over 30 mins in between responses with nothing back.. not sure it's being watched or what...
TIA for any help, suggestions, etc
Gabriel Manlapig
This issue usually occurs if you have a trigger that has the action to remove / set tags. The Set tags action removes all existing tags and replaces them with the ones in your business rule actions.
This poses an issue when dealing with dropdown box fields, because those need to be set 1-to-1 with a tag. You can see this occurring by going to the ticket and clicking 'Show all events'. This shows the tag being applied, a location being selected, and then the tag being removed as the trigger fires off. I hope this helps!
Oh my goodness Gabriel! THANK YOU! They couldn't tell me anything, and after I left for the day... they still needed more info... You just saved my whole day!
I DID use "set tags" for that ticket... and have switched to "add tags" and it works perfectly!