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Option to Hide Sensitive User Data From Agents

Posted Aug 18, 2023

Feature Request Summary: 

Zendesk should give admins the ability to control who can access user e-mails and phone numbers. This could be achieved by an option to redact, hash or completely make it inaccessible these user fields, for certain agent roles. Currently, there is no way to hide user information from agents, which raises a security issue while working remotely.

Description/Use Cases: 

In our current setup, agents only respond to incoming chats and emails, they distinguish end-users by the "requester" field in the ticket, left side on agent workspace. On the right side there's the "profile card" which currently has the option to hide user details such as telephone and e-mail. However in the agent workspace there the "user profile" tab. this allows them to access any information of the profile. 

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

This is a security concern on our side as we try to explore remote working options. As user data is accessible by any user, it makes the data breaches so easy.

We would much prefer to use, user id's or any other identifier to select users on tickets if needed.





Hi thanks, 

Its a Limitation in zendesk. 

We can try with CSS or javascript to star the details of customers.


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Ewa Korzeniewska

Zendesk Product Manager

thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
This feature request has been accepted and is on our roadmap in 2025. Per our Community Guidelines that we do not provide specific timelines around releases for our product and any discussion of planning is always subject to change. To stay on top of product releases please visit our What’s New page in the Help Center. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.


Hi there


This is exactly what I'm looking for as well. We have restricted access to customer personal info on our backend systems but finding it extremely difficult to create those same restrictions in Zendesk. 

It would be great for Admins to be able to restrict visibility of end user profile info at a user role level.


Any idea when this will be rolled out in 2025 and is there an EAP for this feature?



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Ewa Korzeniewska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Ashley, great to hear you are interested in this feature!
Please read the article here: What is the Zendesk Data Masking Sandbox EAP?



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