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Have the option to send users a notification when moderating content
Posted Dec 01, 2023
When moderating user content (, it would be nice to have an option to let a user know why their content was being moderated.
This would let users know why their content was removed immediately at the time of moderation. With the current system if we delete a post, it just gets removed and the user doesn't know why or get any notification that has happened.
This is a daily occurrence with moderating user tasks that doesn't have a workaround.
My ideal solution would be a button where you could choose to send the user a notification, and then a text field to enter what you want to tell the user. This could appear in the top-right of the page the next time they log in, much like the "Post is pending approval" message they see.
1 comment
Shawna James
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please show your support by giving an upvote or entering your use case in the comments below. Thanks so much again!