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Sorting tickets by Last PUBLIC reply/comment from agent - feature request

Posted Jan 03, 2024

We would like to be able to sort tickets by the last public reply from an agent.

Agents use Internal Notes a lot and recording a note does not, or should not, mean the ticket moves to the bottom of the list, if using the sort by Agent comment.

A public reply means the Requester is getting a response and it is by this metric that communication on a support ticket is measured. Obviously we want to resolve, however when agents have a a large workload, the need to communicate with customers supersedes the need to resolve; most customers are happy with frequent communication where speedy resolution is not possible.

The other sorting option of the Requester comments is unhelpful because you then have to give the Requester instructions not to email again, which one sees on so many ticket acknowledgements; 'don't email again or your queue position will be reset', which frustrates and confuses customers. We should not have to expect the customer to follow rules like this; often when they are in some form of distress, hence their need for support. We equally do not wish to punish them (by relegating their queue position) if they want to add additional info to the ticket.

Lastly, I've seen a solution to use SLAs, but only some of our customers have SLAs, and we want all of the tickets in one view, and all non-SLA tickets in one view.

Therefore being able to sort by the public comment means that the tickets with the oldest public reply to a Requester can be placed at the top; regardless of how many internal notes have been made, how frequently the customer chases or adds comments, and regardless of their SLA.

Many thanks.




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Aaron Doane

Zendesk Luminary

James Johnstone I definitely see the value of what you are requesting. I was curious about your note regarding SLAs. 

We only have a handful of customers who have a true SLA, but we utilize the SLA targets internally for our own goal-setting and tracking. It has been an absolute game changer and has allowed us to manage agent backlog in ways we never could before. We set our targets based on ticket priority and customer sensitivity (a custom tag that we added), which allows the queue to always be sorted properly. 

Recently, with the new restriction options in Explore, I was able to create a dashboard where agents can view their SLA target achievement percentage, that way they always know how they are doing. We set a goal of 95% achievement and challenge agents to hit that mark, as this indicates good backlog management practices and timely responses to customers. 

Since implementing it, we have seen a steady reduction in first reply time and customer wait time and a small, but noticeable increase in CSAT. As I mentioned before, the customer does not necessarily know we are using an SLA, so if we don't hit our goal there are no repercussions, but having it behind the scenes as a prioritization tool for agents has been a huge benefit. 

Hope this helps!


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Tara McCann

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Thank you, James, for your feedback. And, Aaron, thank you for this insightful suggestion! 
James, hopefully, what Aaron shared can help. And we have logged this feedback for our PM team to review in addition to what Aaron has been able to do. 


Ability to set up views with the Last public reply date & time would be amazing please?
Then i can set-up a view for everyone to see:
Ticket ID.                 Date ticket created.                Date ticket updated.          Date of last public reply.

This would make it so much easier for agents without explore report access to work their tickets in order of last time we communicated with the customer


Hi Team,

Indeed, I am looking for this feature as well to sort the tickets based on the 'last public reply date' which would enable to keep a tab on the tickets in the view much easier on a daily basis.

Could you please provide a fix at the earliest?


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