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Image Display Issues in the Zendesk Knowledge App
Posted Nov 28, 2024
In the Knowledge app within Zendesk Support, images wrapped around text don’t display correctly. Instead of being wrapped, they should appear at 100% width by default. This would ensure consistent and correct formatting without requiring manual adjustments.
Anna Kelian
It’s crucial and urgent to address this issue, including setting default padding for table cells in the Zendesk Knowledge app. It would also be highly beneficial if we had the ability to control the app's CSS directly.
Patrycja Walencik
Thank you for your feedback. From what I can see, your concerns are related to the Knowlade App in the center rather than the new editor. Therefore, I kindly ask you to redirect this feedback to the right community post thread.
Anna Kelian
Hi Patrycja,
Thanks for your response! While this is related to the Knowledge App, the issues stem from the stylings in the new editor, which are affecting how content appears—especially default padding for table cells. Since these styling changes seem to be editor-driven, where would be the best place to report them for a fix?
Appreciate your guidance!