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Feature request: Ability to have an 'Internal' section (visible to Agents & Admins) at the bottom of articles that are only visible to Signed-In Users
Posted Feb 19, 2025
We would like to request a supported method to have an ‘Internal’ section to the bottom of articles that are visible to customers. So, for articles that are visible to ‘Signed-in Users’, we would like to be able to have a section at the bottom of the article which is only visible to ‘Agents and admins’.
The use case is that it is convenient to be able to add notes for internal viewers that provides further background on the subject matter, like the ticket that an article was spawned from, or the Jira that it is linked to, or any further internal information that is relevant. Internal Notes would be a reference to help internal agile communication.
Presently, we have a customized method that we use to do this. Internal Comments can be added to our articles using a simple Custom CSS and JavaScript. The Internal section is seen when viewed by an Admin/Agent, but is not seen when viewed by a Signed-in User (a customer).
The trouble is that when we implement Ultimate Bots (recently renamed to Zendesk ‘AI Agents Advanced’), then although the internal text is not seen by the Signed-in User, the Ultimate bot answer does provide information from that internal section to the user. We don't want this to happen.
After discussing this with Zendesk support in ticket 13337690, we have been told that our ‘Internal section method’ is out of scope and an Ultimate Bot limitation, as the bot does not have a way of knowing what it should/should not tell the enduser(requester).
So our Feature Request is two fold:
1) Provide the ability to insert an ‘internal section’ to the bottom of Signed-in Users articles, that is viewable to Agents/Admins
2) Ensure that Ultimate Bots ( Zendesk ‘AI Agents Advanced’) do not make suggestions to Signed-in users, based on the information in the internal section
Workaround until the feature is implemented:
- Have two articles. One containing Signed-in user visible info, and a second article that holds the internal information and references the public article.
Darren Smith
Upvote from me. This is something that would be very useful.
For example having a customer process for raising an issue, followed by an internal area that provides the process for the support team to follow to resolve the issue for the client.
This is functionality that's also available on other knowledge based applications, so will be valued here and saves time having to create two separate articles.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Immediately upvoted and followed. This comes up almost weekly at my org, I am constantly being asked when “I” can help get something like this implemented. We need your help, Zendesk. Shawna James , I suggest you also include the feedback from the existing 8 year old thread with +72 votes and 57 replies/"use cases" for the same issue, as well as the original 10 year old thread with +21 votes and 27 replies/"use cases".
I cannot state enough how badly this basic feature is needed, but it HAS to come from Zendesk in this case since it's structural. Some of the workarounds suggested including Javascript/CSS solutions to “hide” text are not secure, because simply inspecting the page or certain adblockers would immediately reveal it, and more recently AI/bot solutions (as mentioned by the OP) are starting to reveal that text as well, even if hidden.
Please help us capture the needs from the last 8 years of threads and use cases begging for this functionality, we count on your help for this 🙏
Allison Sargent
We need (and have always needed) this!!!! +1 for this feature. This helps to keep content consolidated and clean!