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App authentication workflow
Posted Mar 04, 2025
I'm building an app to help agents write good answers (an support app).
I'm not sure how the authorization workflow looks like for my solution. I have two components:
1. During installation I need a refresh token/api key to migrate data daily
2. During usage (support/ticket_editor) I just need to use ZAF to get current ticket (this I have working)
I need a help with components 1.
As far I understand I need to:
1. Get global oauth client
2. Somehow get refresh token/api key during app installation ← I couldn't find materials covering this part
3. Store it somewhere and use when needed
Thanks for any advices how to solve this :)
1 comment
Greg Katechis
Hi Jacek! We actually do the refreshing for you, so there is no need for a refresh token in this flow. The one caveat is that the access token response must include `expires_in` and `refresh_token` values, which you can read about here.