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Community Feedback: Dashboard Builder
Posted Mar 13, 2025
Thank you for your continued engagement and feedback on our Dashboard Builder. As we work to enhance your experience, we’ve created this dedicated space for you to share your insights.
How to Provide Feedback
Please use the template below to submit your feedback. This structure will help us categorize and address your concerns more efficiently.
Feedback Template
- Problem Category:
- New Dashboard Builder features
- Components missing in the Importer Tool
Issues experienced while migrating a dashboard
Problem Description: (Please provide a detailed description of the issue you’re experiencing or the feature you would like to see prioritized).
- Severity: (Please choose one of the following options)
- Low: Minor inconvenience, no immediate impact on usage.
- Medium: Some disruption in workflow but manageable.
- High: Major disruption or complete inability to use key features.
- Critical: Critical business function is impacted, immediate attention required.
Helpful Resources
To support you in transitioning smoothly to the new Dashboard and Report Builder, we’ve compiled the following resources:
- How to use the importer tool
- A video showing how to migrate dashboards
- Best practices for migrating
- Migration plan
- List of features available in the new dashboard builder
We genuinely appreciate your contributions and look forward to resolving any concerns you have while enhancing your experience with our reporting tools.
Thank you for being a vital part of the Zendesk community!
Best Regards,
Problem Category:
New Dashboard Builder features
Problem Description:
We've tried to replicate our dashboards on the new Dashboard Builder, but we're coming up against one specific blocker that is preventing us from making the change - the inability to exclude reports from dashboard data restrictions.
In our specific use case, we have a unique dashboard for every agent. At the moment, every agent has a dashboard which is filtered with hidden filters and bookmarks. This functionality has ostensibly been replaced with data restrictions.
However, by mixing attributes on a dashboard, data restrictions are resulting in blank reports. Specifically, if we have a ‘Solved Tickets' report filtered by ‘Updater’ and a ‘CSAT’ report filtered by ‘Assignee’, the data restrictions will warp the data in both of these reports.
This seems like an enormous oversight and is a blocker for us when looking at migrating to the new dashboard builder.
We either need to exclude data restrictions from individual reports or, at the very least, the ability to hide filters as in the current setup.
Severity: (Please choose one of the following options)
Critical: Critical business function is impacted, immediate attention required.
Sarah Cullerton
Category: New Dashboard Builder features
Feature: Dashboard Restrictions
- Legend Display (Severity = Low): When I have data filtered with a dashboard restriction, even if a chart updates to only show me the data for the value I have filtered for, the legend still shows all possible values from the underlying report, regardless of the filter.
- Missing Datasets (Severity = High): Very few datasets are supported by dashboard restrictions requiring the building and maintenance of many many many many individual reports where we had previously been able to build multiple dashboards off one report. Key data sets for us personally: Knowledge Engagement, Talk, Group SLA
- Default Owner Toggle (Severity = Low): When I as a dashboard owner open a dashboard with restrictions, it defaults to the state of All Access, meaning I have to manually toggle on a filter still every time I open it, thus eliminating the convenience of pre-filtering. I would like to be able to select a default restriction.
David Wexelblat
Problem Category: Components missing in the Importer Tool
Problem Description:
Removal of the Top/Bottom functionality in the new dashboard builder significantly reduces interactive analysis.
For example, we have a custom ticket field for “Issue”. I want my dashboard to show, by default, the top 5 Issues within the selected period of time, to keep things compact, but allow the user to select the Top/Bottom N for more detailed analysis.
The fact that the report has Top/Bottom selectors is completely irrelevant, as that simply creates a static report of that size for the dashboard. The only possible workaround with the new dashboard builder is to have a static top 5 report on the main dashboard tab then put the full issue report on its own tab to be manually analyzed.
Severity: High
David Wexelblat
Problem Category: New Dashboard Builder features
Problem Description:
“Last 30 days” time filters on the new dashboard aren't actually “Last 30 days”. They're actually “from the day of the month last month to today”. For example, if I have a dashboard showing “Last 30 days” today, what it's actually showing is Feb 14, 2025-Mar 14, 2025. That's 28 days, not 30. “Last 30 days” should be Feb 12, 2025-Mar 14, 2025.
This was discovered after a day of back and forth with Zendesk support trying to figure out why my custom dashboard, which is built as a subset of the stock “Zendesk Support” dashboard wasn't display the same results as the stock dashboard, using the exact same stock basic reports.
The legacy dashboard does yesterday back 30 days by default. The new dashboard does today back to the same day last month, regardless of how many days there are in the month.
We confirmed this behavior by manually setting matching date ranges in the “Zendesk Support” dashboard and my custom dashboard. For any manually-selected date range, the results matched up.
Maybe I'm weird, but I expect that an option labeled “Last 30 days" to actually do “Last 30 days”, regardless of how many days there are in the month.
Severity: Medium
Jorge Giner (Leafworks)
New Dashboard Builder features
Problem Description: The fact that, for instance, time filters cannot be hidden, affects the report design. For instance, let's assume we are sending reports in PDF format. There's NO NEED to display any filter there, however, the only solution we have now is to configure the time filter in any single report this dashboard has. This can be applied to any time or data filter.
Medium: Some disruption in workflow but manageable. It's manageable, yes, the reports generated with the new dashboard builder will provide the same information in the end, the design of the reports will look (much) worse.
Megan Hansen
I have only been using the new builder for a few days, and already there are so many things…
New Dashboard Builder features
Problem Description:
There are SO MANY features missing in the new dashboard builder. This is an incomplete list:
- Cannot add images
- Cannot add shapes (sometimes the only way I could format a report properly in Explore was to add my own grid lines.
- Filters do not have a “show selected items option”. This is bonkers.
- Cannot overlap elements on a dashboard.
- Can only align elements with preset grid squares. This leads to a lot of wasted space.
- No longer have options in how filters are laid out (label above label to right, etc) This leads to a lot of wasted space
- Cannot link filters across tabs.
- Cannot export a single report
- No change metrics
- No change attributes
- Can't seem to remove the dataset name from reports – this is leading to A LOT of wasted space.
Severity: (Please choose one of the following options)
Basically, the whole builder is a huge step back for me. I get wanting to make something that is more intuitive for basic users, but you're making it impossible for Power users to build good dashboards.
HIGH: Of the issues I listed, change metrics, change attributes, filtering across tabs, not having the option to show selected items in a filter and the ability to add shapes and overlap elements are all high to Critical.
Medium: The rest are medium.
Problem Category:
Problem Description:
David Froemke
I like the look and feel of the new builder. It is far more intuitive and smoother etc. It's still really incomplete and the stream of new features being added doesn't seem like it's iterating fast enough to be complete by the date they have given us.
This is the same sentiment for the report builder.
Shawna James
Is anything going to be done with this feedback? Conscious that time is ticking before the ‘old' dashboard editor is blocked and we simply can't migrate without some of these features.
If you're not going to either delay the enforcement of the new dashboard builder or implement these fixes before July, we need to know so that we can mitigate against this.