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Lila Kingsley

Joined Apr 15, 2021


Last activity Mar 04, 2024





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Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentMeasuring success

Just a heads up to anyone else interested in the JSON export: 

As stated in the article the JSON date ranges use a system date that typically equates to last update date.  We wanted to export some tickets, including tickets imported into Zendesk from other systems so I set the date range with last update date in mind...but, records were omitted.  Turns out that for imported tickets you need to know/use the import date (which won't match last update date) in order to include those tickets. 

Also, when the article says "accounts with more than one million tickets are downloaded in 31-day increments" it makes it sound like you can specify a single date range and the system will parse it out in the 31 day increments for you.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  If your date range spans several months you will have to manually pull each month separately.

View comment · Posted Jul 10, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

Community comment User Groups

Hey Zack,

Hopefully you see this as it's not finding you for an @mention.  I just saw in the what's new recap email that there is now a changelog for the Developer site--think we talked about wanting to see something like this in the March meeting so wanted to pass it along in case it is news to you.   

From the email:  "The Changelog captures significant changes, additions, fixes, deprecations, removals, and betas and EAPs related to Zendesk APIs and SDKs, and the list is filterable by event type".

And DRAT, I somehow missed the 4/28 meeting!  Looking forward to catching up with the recording later.  

View comment · Posted May 01, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentHow to customize the theme of the help center

Ari the isn't helpers surround the code block that lists articles.  So essentially it's saying list the articles which are not the article id specified in the helpers.  You shouldn't need additional html.

As far as location, you put the isn't helpers after the each articles helper on the category, section and article templates (see my comment above for full code snippet I used):

  • For category_page.hbs:  insert the isnt helper after {{#each articles}}
  • For section_page.hbs & article_page.hbs:  insert the isnt helper after {{#each section.articles}}

NOTE:  I hid articles in ALL categories/sections/articles which is a bit different than what you want to do...but I would think you could possibly use if/else + the isn't helpers for that.

View comment · Posted Mar 20, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley created a post,

Post Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)


The live data dashboard is amazing, but we’d like to see it augmented for Talk to have more flexibility with Groups, allowing better visibility into Talk at a glance. 

We’d like to be able to see ALL our Talk Groups & Lines in one place but this is not possible today.  Today you only have a group drop down which allows visibility into one group at a time. 

For those of us with group routing it would be most useful to be able to show the queued and ongoing calls by line and the agent status for the groups set up to answer them (and to have Zendesk limit the groups to those enabled for Talk)


Description/Use Cases

For reference, in our implementation of Talk we have 5 inbound lines set to 5 specific groups.  We also have 2 external numbers enabled for outbound calling.  So we use 7 lines and 5 groups, and, want to see reporting for that configuration.

Enhancements I’d like to See

1. Set the Group Drop Down to ONLY Show Talk Enabled Groups

Today all groups appear in the drop down, even those not enabled for Talk which makes the list huge.  Since Zendesk knows what groups are and are not enabled for Talk it seems like you should be able to filter the drop down accordingly.

2.  Add Talk Line as a Filter

For more flexibility on Live Data, it would be great to see the Talk Line and allow filtering by both the line & group.

3.  Allow User to Select >1 Talk Group At A Time--OR--Allow Custom Dashboard to Default to Specific Group/Line

As mentioned before we have 5 groups set up in Talk so ideally Talk Live Data would be able to show all/multiple groups.  And, I’d like the flexibility to create dashboards by lines or groups, depending on how the business wants to see the information.  Today it is not possible to do anything beyond selecting one single group and there is no way to set a default in a custom dashboard

Since I wanted to break down live data at least by group I tried to find some workarounds by creating custom dashboards, but, neither worked.

  • I created a dashboard and added a 2nd group widget to it. This action was allowed, but, it wouldn’t let me set it to a specific value so that didn’t work
  • I then tried to create one dashboard by group and set one group per dashboard. The selected group stuck when viewing my edits but was not retained when I view the dashboard.

I  see you have another more general request for multi select on live data filters here so others feel the same!


While you can see the overall state of Talk as things are today, you can’t easily drill in to break it down.  For groups, you’re requiring too much effort and subject matter expertise by the end user, when the system should at least just be able to limit the drop down list to what is set up for Talk.  For Dashboards, more flexibility is needed so that your customers can show the data how they want to see it (i.e. by line, by group, or combinations thereof)

To recap:

  • While you can get a breakdown by group, it is too cumbersome for the end user
    • All groups configured in support show in the group menu so you have to know how talk group routing is implemented to use this.
    • The fact that all groups appear makes the list too long for the end user to wade through
  • Line level data is not available so you can’t see live data by line/queue
  • You can’t see >1 group at a time or create specific dashboards for specific groups (as a workaround).

Posted Feb 17, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentReporting and analytics for help center

Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen regarding migrating to GA4, just want to confirm we're good to keep JS snippets proposed by Zendesk as is in the "Google Analytics and help center - Part 3: Tracking customers' actions article?

View comment · Posted Feb 02, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentHow to customize the theme of the help center

Lisa Sedlak we did something similar in our public help center.  We hid specific articles  from displaying in Category, Section and Article sidebar navigation cribbing Jake's code from his article_hide_in_sidebar.txt attachment.  Basically as he says you follow the convention of adding the isn't helper after the #each helper for articles in conjunction with the article id i.e. {{#isnt id 1234}}

  • For category_page.hbs:  insert the isnt helper after {{#each articles}}
  • For section_page.hbs & article_page.hbs:  insert the isnt helper after {{#each section.articles}}

For more than one article you add multiple {{isnt}} and close each with {{/isnt}}.  I wanted/preferred to use labels instead of individual article ids but wasn't able to get that working.  

Here's what our category_page.hbs code snippet looked like as an example (I just added the stuff surrounded by comments.

{{#each articles}}

{{!-- Special logic to hide Articles in navigation via isnt helper--}}
{{#isnt id 111111}}
{{#isnt id 222222}}
{{#isnt id 333333}}
{{!-- --}}

<li class="article-list-item {{#if promoted}}article-list-item--is-promoted{{/if}}" >
{{#if promoted}}
<span class="fa fa-star" title="{{t 'promoted'}}"></span>
<a class="article-list-item__link" href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a>

{{!-- Special logic to hide Articles in navigation via isnt helper--}}
{{!-- --}}


View comment · Edited Jan 09, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentUsing content publishing flows

Hi I am testing team publishing in our sandbox and just want to advise there seems to be a mistake in this article.  It says in several places that only guide admins can see the lists but other users can't and will have to use the email with the link to the article.  This is not true, I'm logged in as someone with editor permissions (via user segment/management permission) who is not an admin and I can see the lists.

View comment · Posted Jan 07, 2023 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentUsing legacy AI agent functionality

FYI for Jeremy and anyone else who may be interested in upvoting, I've created a feedback post requesting that Zendesk improve the agent transfer experience in Messaging for the end user: 

View comment · Posted Dec 19, 2022 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley created a post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)


Messaging needs to improve the Agent Transfer functionality for end user.

  • Firstly it should be able to communicate when no agents are currently available in hours (due to being maxed out on chats or status--i.e. only some but not agents are away/offline.
  • Ideally, it would ask the user if they want to wait when no agents are available in hours
  • At the very least, we should be able to push a message to users still waiting/unserved after a period of time (this is not possible with current trigger options in chat settings).

Description/Use Cases

Zendesk has built Messaging to be used asynchronously and handoff to an agent even when none are technically available.  We use live chat today and have for years, so our customers contacting us via widget have come to expect a real time/live/synchronous experience.  

Regardless, setting expectations in Messaging is very important as each end user is different and may or may not want to have an asynchronous experience when they start a conversation.

While we can use business hours to handle an after-hours scenario, there is no graceful way to indicate when we are unable to respond quickly in hours.  In the transfer step you can only say I’ll look for an agent for you, and FYI it may take a while. 

Current Chat triggers for Messaging are lacking and can’t be used to help in this situation:

  • While you can use a trigger to send a message after x seconds/minutes it is too basic, i.e. you can say send a message 5 minutes after a conversation is requested, but, it doesn’t check if the conversation is still unserved/end user is still that could mean that the message is sent while the end user is chatting to an agent
  • While you can build something for account/department status being away/offline, that doesn’t help in the situation when no one is available because agents are maxed out on conversations (agent status does not change in this situation, so neither will account/department), or a situation when some agents are offline/away and others are maxed out.


Not clearly communicating availability of agent support when an end user initiates a Messaging conversation is a poor customer experience.  For those end users used to--or needing--a real time conversation it is going to drive down satisfaction/NPS, and ultimately lead to attrition.

Posted Dec 19, 2022 · Lila Kingsley







Lila Kingsley commented,

CommentTicket basics

bill cicchetti, this is intended in the Agent Workspace.  See this section of the "Composing messages in the Agent Workspace" article.  Basically you now can compose messages for multiple reply channels at the same time and submit them individually, so the drafts no longer persist when switching between reply types.

View comment · Posted Dec 19, 2022 · Lila Kingsley





