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Nikki Goodson

Joined Jan 04, 2023


Last activity Feb 13, 2025





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Latest activity by Nikki Goodson

Nikki Goodson commented,

Community commentZendesk EAP - Generative search in Help center

To follow-up:
I was so interested in using this feature, I finally switched to the Copenhagen theme so I could use it. 

View comment · Posted Feb 13, 2025 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson created a post,

Post Discussion - Artificial Intelligence

We have three different role types in our software, which are basically:

- basic end user

- manager level

- admin level


And each role type has a different experience in the software. We don't necessarily know which role a person is in, so AI doesn't always answer correctly. 


Even as a human agent, it's tough: sometimes you can tell based on context. Sometimes you can look it up in the system. If they have written in before, we may have stored it in their profile (we have a custom field for that). 


Any tips for helping? Currently, we have different sections per role, but I'm thinking that for some of the topics, maybe it makes sense to have one single article that addresses each role type, and AI can mention that. 

“If you are a [basic end user], then you will need to reach out to your [manager]. But if you are a [manager], then do this: ______”


Other ideas?

Posted Feb 06, 2025 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson commented,

Community commentZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Just tested with a brand new article, and yes. I typically am using Header 3, and it seems that's the one with the most drastic difference. Here are the testing results:



Even the header 1 & 2, they look different from the editor - different size and less bold. But you can clearly see that the size decreases from Header 1 → 4.



I had a colleague check this published (internal) article and it looked incorrect for her as well. Thanks!

View comment · Posted Jan 16, 2025 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson created a post,

PostZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide



  1. Insert a “summary" block into the article
  2. Write a custom summary 
  3. Add formatting:
    1. bold
    2. italics
    3. underline
  4. Click Save
  5. View / Preview the article



  • If the Editor allows you to add formatting, then the published article should retain that formatting



  • Published articles:
    • retain bold formatting
    • do not retain italics
    • do not retain underline









  • I personally wouldn't use underline. If for any reason you are going to implement SOME but not ALL formatting, italics is my top priority, and then bold.


Posted Nov 04, 2024 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson created a post,

Post Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

I'd like AI to help me remember my preferences & format my articles. (maybe even make suggestions!)


What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) 

As someone managing the Guide, I struggle to remain consistent with headers, formatting, especially if some time has passed since I last worked on the Guide.


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)


I've been recently updating our help center so this is currently coming into play multiple times/day. However, it's even more relevant when a lot of time has passed and maybe I have forgotten my standards next time I come back to it. As a result, my articles are not consistent across the board. The problem is multiplied when I have another person or two also helping me perform updates.


Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)

I have been using ChatGPT, first to advise me on good help center article formatting, and then to *remember* my preferences, and I can paste in my articles and it will format according to my preferences. It remembers such things as:

  • Always refer to button names in bold to make them stand out (e.g., Submit, Hold).
  • Use italics for all report names (e.g., Time Study Compliance Report).
  • Where possible, keep each step explicit to ensure clarity, even if it increases the total number of steps.
  • Use short, simple sentences for each step to maximize readability, especially for busy users.
  • Refer to roles specifically and consistently, using the full title "time study program administrator" whenever relevant.
  • Use action verbs and the active voice to keep instructions clear and engaging.

The biggest downside of my current workaround is that it cannot go ahead and format my headers as Zendesk “Header 2” so that I can link to the sections from my Contents, or add the header colors that I like to use (to match our brand.) That's where having it done by Zendesk AI directly would provide a major improvement.


What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)

It would be similar to the AI “simplify” or “expand” (which I believe is currently in EAP.) I would highlight the section I want corrected, and it would apply my preferences.

Edited Nov 01, 2024 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson created a post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)

I would like a ZD Admin to be able to export the Answers we've created in the Conversation Bot.


What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) 


There are product changes that require updates in the chatbot.

An admin simply wants to do an audit of the Answers available. 

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)


Our company has renamed and reorganized a bunch of reports and I need to make edits to our Answerbots. Major changes like this haven't historically happened too much.

Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)


I will be opening the Answers one by one, then going through each pathway and finding the problems. 

What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)

There would be a button so that I could export all the answers into a .csv and then I can search to find all the mentions of those reports. (Or to perform any other kind of audit.)

I can see that it would be complicated to convey the workflow in a .csv so I'm not sure what the answer would be there! 


(Another potential helpful thing would be for the searchbox on that page to search through the messages too, not just the Answer titles…)

Posted Oct 25, 2024 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson commented,

Community comment Discussion - Artificial Intelligence

Hey all, I just created this feature request to help with this. Go vote it up!

View comment · Posted Oct 24, 2024 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson created a post,

Post Feedback - Zendesk AI and automation

Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)


I would like to quickly create an Answer that will handle chit-chat such as “hello” or “good morning”. That will help Admins to help customers! I want Zendesk to offer me an Answer Template to make it super quick for me to create.


What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) 

When a customer starts their chat with a message such as “hello” the AI bot says that it needs clarification. It's a poor customer experience.


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)

This happened this morning. Our volume is incredibly low so I don't think I've ever seen it happen before, but I did come across a Community post about it here:


From my own account:



Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)

I'm about to create an Answer to handle it, as suggested in that Community post.


What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)


On the Create answer page, I would like to see a “Chit-Chat” template that would receive intents such as “hello” or “good morning” and reply with some kind of greeting and ask how it can help.

Posted Oct 24, 2024 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson commented,

CommentMigrating to messaging

We transitioned to Messaging a while back. I'm confused about how someone would use both Chat AND Messaging. Is that for when they have different channels, like chat on social, or different Brands?


I had a bunch of Chat triggers, many of which are still enabled even now, but as far as I can tell, they aren't being used, which is fine, I'm just confused why Chat still even exists in my account. I've done so much reading on Messaging vs Chat and I don't know why this is such a confusing topic for me. :) 

View comment · Posted Oct 23, 2024 · Nikki Goodson







Nikki Goodson created a post,

PostZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

I'm breaking out an existing article into a few different sections, and each section has a header (Header 3), and they look right in the editor view, but when published, they appear to be the same size as regular paragraphs.


Editor view on the left, published view on the right. Look at the headers “Organization” and “Permissions”.





Follow-up: I did go in and change the *size* of the text from “Default” to “Large” and now it looks as I expected it to. I would've thought that using a “Header” would have automatically set a larger size - as it appeared in the editor mode.


Edited Oct 21, 2024 · Nikki Goodson





