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Select an Address app - official feature request thread
Publication le 13 mars 2020
This is the official feature request topic for Select an Address. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps ( before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!
If you see a feature mentioned here by someone else, feel free to upvote it if it's a feature you would also find useful!
If you have questions on how to setup and use Select an Address, you can find the instructions here:
42 commentaire
Automate My Store
Nathan Purcell thanks for your feedback! Can you please clarify what you mean with "ticket group"? Do you refer to ticket tags?
Nathan Purcell
The group to which the ticket is assigned. The "assignee" option in the left hand column.
Automate My Store
Nathan Purcell yes, those are "User groups" and already supported by the app :-)
The Zendesk UI might be a bit confusing, since it shows for the ticket, but Zendesk calls those "User groups"
Gabriel Pavel
Nice addon, would be good if in case we use the "Disable automatic selection of address for agents in the following groups" the agent is asked to select a email instead of sending the ticket with the default email address. Or any other way to make sure the user confirms the selected email before sending.
Automate My Store
Hi Gabriel Pavel thanks for your comment. If you enable "Do not use a default sender address for new tickets, but require the agent to select it" in the app settings, no default sender will show when creating a ticket and the user will need to select the email sender before sending.
Megan (Envoy Consultant)
We need the ability to map support addresses on the ticket to either Ticket Groups (not just the agent's default group) and/or Ticket form. If this is possible as a trigger action that would be even better, even if it's via webhook.
Samuel St-Onge
Managing over 50 email addresses has become challenging. The current manual selection process in the external "Select an Address" app is inefficient due to its inability to integrate with macros and triggers. Additionally, incoming emails from the guide support ends up in the wrong default address.
Furthermore, the "Select an Address" app in Agent Workspace is hidden among frequently used applications, causing inefficiencies.
To streamline our workflow, we propose integrating the "Select an Address" app as a standard Zendesk field. This change would improve usability and facilitate seamless integration with macros and triggers, enhancing overall efficiency in email management.
Thank you!
Gabriel Pavel
Automate My Store thanks, but I do not see this option in the configuration screen. Is it something new? Do I need to somehow update the app?
I have:
App details
Version: 2.7.0
You can map a support address to a ticket using brands. Please see here :
Each brand will have it's own support address and you can simply use a ticket to change the brand that is associated to a ticket.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 for this. With the introduction of a manage team members subpermission, this is even more crititcal as there is not subpermission to be able to edit apps (not that we would want anyone to edit all apps, just this one), we need to be able to reduce how many admins we have. There are admin only features and it shouldn't require a bunch of admins to maintain it which grants so much more access than necessary.
There is a big push for security so this should also be one as we need certain folks to be able to edit and not be admins. It is our biggest blocker
Megan (Envoy Consultant)
Hi Neil, I know that we can do it by brand, but that's often not enough. It needs to be possible to differentiate the support address by other options, such as Ticket Form. For example, if we have two email addresses, refund@ and info @ and the requester fills out a refund form from the help center, the support address should be set to “refunds@” or if they select the General question form, the support address should be “info@”.
Automate My Store
Hi Gabriel Pavel our current version is 2.4.2. It is the third last option in the app. If you can't find it, just send us an email to and we will help you set it up.