최근 검색
최근 검색 없음

가입한 날짜: 2021년 4월 16일
마지막 활동: 2024년 6월 28일
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활동 개요
님의 최근 활동 Beto
Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Thank you for your question. There have been no recent changes as to how Organizations handle their permissions, but keep in mind that there permissions at the Organization level as well as on the user level, and different combinations of these can have varying results.
Here is a handy table describing what is the outcome based on the different configurations set for permissions on both the Organization and the user level:

You can find this table and more information on this topic on this article: What is the difference between ticket access at the organization level and user level?
Is it possible that the permissions set on your Organizations might be different from how it used to be?
I hope this was helpful!
댓글 보기 · 2024년 2월 22일에 게시됨 · Beto
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2024년 2월 06일에 편집됨 · Beto
Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hi ZenIT thank you for your question!
Unfortunately, I am afraid that at this time, the integration with Microsoft Teams is strictly one-to-one. Additionally, this integration is not developed by Zendesk, so I am afraid that we would not be able to provide information regarding if a way in which you could add multiple Zendesk accounts for one Microsoft Teams tenet is planned for the future.
I hope you have a lovely rest of the day!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 12월 05일에 게시됨 · Beto
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Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
¡Hola Mónica! Muchas gracias por su pregunta.
¡Sí! Puedo confirmar que en efecto es posible utilizar el contenido dinámico en las opciones que se configuran cuando una encuesta es Negativa. Lo primero sería crear los contenidos dinámicos como cualquier otro. Luego, debe dirigirse al apartado de "usuarios" en el Centro de Administración, y la pestaña de "satisfacción". Aquí es donde puede configurar las opciones de las razones para el resultado negativo:
Es importante tener en cuenta que, al menos de momento, no es posible modificar o editar los motivos, solo se pueden agregar nuevos. También, es importante tener en cuenta que cuando introduzca el contenido dinámico en la opción, va a mostrarse como el texto del lenguaje predeterminado de dicho contenido dinámico, y no con el marcador de posición. Aquí un ejemplo:
Primero agrego una razón nueva dando clic en "+", y agrego el marcador de posición de mi contenido dinámico:
Pero al dar "intro" para finalizar de agregar la opción, esto se convierte en el contenido del lenguaje predeterminado: Pero esto está configurado correctamente, y va a cambiar automáticamente dependiendo del lenguaje que tenga configurado el usuario que reciba la encuesta. El único problema es que no es fácil saber cuáles opciones son contenidos dinámicos una vez los haya agregado.
¡Espero que esto haya sido de ayuda!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 10월 25일에 게시됨 · Beto
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Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello Ecbo, I hope you are well! Thank you for your question.
You are able to choose between calendar or business hours on any Automation time condition, but you cannot define what those hours are directly on the Automation. You must define them on your schedule first, by following the steps here: Setting your schedule with business hours and holidays.
Once you have defined your schedule, you will have the option of selecting between calendar or business hours on the second box that appears after you select any of your time conditions, like this:
I hope this was helpful!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 4월 10일에 게시됨 · Beto
Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello Shannon, I hope you are well! Thank you for your question.
Unfortunately, as of this writing, the pre-chat form does not support markdown or HTML, so it is currently not possible to add a hyperlink. As of now, the only possibility would be to have the URL as plain text.
But this is a good suggestion to have. I can recommend that you create a feedback Post in our Community requesting this feature here.
You can explain your use case and the more traction this post gets, the more chances there are for our Development team to consider implementing this in the future.
I hope this was helpful!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 4월 07일에 게시됨 · Beto
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Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello Jeff, thank you for your question!
The rule of a ticket field being "required to solve a ticket" is bypassed by Business Rules (like Triggers and Automations) as you can see on this article above:
Depending on your custom file type and its options, you might be able to make this required by adding some conditions that use the ticket field in question. Then the Automation would not run until the conditions are met.
I hope this was helpful!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 3월 13일에 게시됨 · Beto
Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
¡Hola Rocío, muchas gracias por tu pregunta!
En efecto, la integración explicada en este artículo es para poder conectar su cuenta de Instagram directamente con Zendesk, y sin necesidad de aplicación de terceros.
Ahora, es muy importante tener en cuenta que esta integración funciona exclusivamente con Instagram Direct. Esto quiere decir que solo serán tickets de los mensajes privados de Instagram.
Si desea mantener la creación de tickets con respecto a los comentarios y/o posts de Instagram, todavía sería necesario utilizar alguna de las aplicaciones de terceros encontradas en el Marketplace.
¡Espero que esto haya sido de ayuda!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 2월 09일에 게시됨 · Beto
Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello mfg, thank you for your question!
Currently, this is not an option, I'm afraid. Once you have opened the customization options, if you open the Help Centre it will open in preview mode and you should have an option to quickly close it:
But unfortunately there is not an option to quickly change back between the two whenever you wish. At this point the best recommendation would be, as you mentioned, to have two separate browser windows, to check the changes whenever they are made.
But this is a good suggestion to have. I can recommend that you create a feedback Post in our Community requesting this feature here.
You can explain your use case and the more traction this post gets, the more chances there are for our Development team to consider implementing this in the future.
I hope this was helpful!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 2월 09일에 게시됨 · Beto
투표 수
Beto님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello Emily, thank you for your question!
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that what you are asking is not currently possible. There is no way (as of now) to disable the ability of adding comments for end-users, but keep this enabled for Agents or Admins at the same time.
Although, depending on the types of comments that you wish to add, you could consider disabling comments and making updates to the article, and present it as a visible "update" by adding a new heading and maybe even adding the date of the update itself. For more information on this you can consult this article: Creating and editing articles in the knowledge base.
I hope this was helpful!
댓글 보기 · 2023년 1월 30일에 게시됨 · Beto
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