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Creating organizations

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hi Brettany,
Users set individually to Can view all org tickets have view-only access to tickets from other users in their Organization; they can't add comments.


Is there a way to bulk import domains? We have our orgs synced from Salesforce but I am noticing the domain field is not filled in on most of our accounts. We bulk import custom fields to manually update when needed, how do we update all domains at once? We have over 3k organizations to update. 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Danielle,
I'd recommend taking a look at the following article which goes over bulk updating organizations which will allow you to update their domains: Bulk importing organizations
I hope this helps!



Thanks Brett! I read this so many times and never realized that "Default" was the field labeled for Domains I appreciate it!


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Happy to help Danielle :) 


Can I create an import that adds the domains to the organisations as well automatically? Currently my team has 1300+ organisations and having to add them all manually is very tedious


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Arianne Batiles

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Michael Jagt, Yes, when bulk importing organizations, you can use the default field to map users to an organization via domain. Domains are separated with spaces.


Hi... Is it possible for end users to set org level ticket sharing/visibility themselves? Rather than a zendesk admin setting it for them. Thanks


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jasmine,
I understand that you're looking into a way to give permission to your end users to set organization level ticket sharing/visibility themselves. Unfortunately, this is not yet available and must be configured by an agent or administrator.

I hope this answer your question. Thank you!


Hi Team,

I have a question about feedback, please.

At the moment, most of our tickets get solved by teams of outside vendors. When we get an escalated ticket from them, we have - if it's merited - a choice to open up a Google form (which then gets sent to the vendor's manager). We do this when we want to comment on what the vendor might have done better in the ticket (e.g. wrong advice given, language not personalized, etc.)

While the separate Google form works to some degree, it's somewhat cumbersome, and as a result, not as much feedback gets given as would ideally be the case.

Given the restriction outlined above (i.e. we are not meant to address the vendor directly but let their manager know instead), is it possible to have "a box" within the Zendesk ticket that then automatically notifies the manager (after their name has been entered/defined somewhere)?

Also, the current Google form lets managers turn the submitted info into a Google sheet quite easily, so the "Box" scenario would need to allow for this, too.

Thank you for letting me know if this sounds like something that could potentially be integrated into our tickets.


Is there a way to set user level ticket sharing/visibility via API? 


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Hiedi Kysther

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jenn Luna,

To clarify, are you referring to Ticket Sharing or the agent's ability to share tickets with other Groups? Could you provide more information with your target workflow. Thank you! 


When setting the Can view all org tickets in a user profile, while it works for the UI of viewing tickets, it does not allow for recipients of the emails to respond as a public comment.  This a deal breaker for many of our Customers as they have their own support teams in their organizations that need to be able to respond as being admins from their organizations.  Also, the lack of the ability to create an automation that adds these admin users to tickets so that they can publicly respond and their colleagues see the responses doesn't make sense.  If I can manually add them as cc's, then I should be able to automate that process.  Also, Spam tickets should not get assigned a ticket number.  If I've taken the effort to prevent domains from spamming, then the ticket should never be allowed to be created and assigned a number.  That has a dramatic effect on our analytics.



We have, sometime, a need from a end-user : to be able to manage (read and write) all ticket from his organization. But only for him (he is a kind of director/manager).

Is there a way to give him this access ?

Actually the only way I found is to give him access to all his organization ticket (READ) and to... ask him to be in CC's on each new ticket which would be created.

Is there a simpler way to do so ? A kind of "Chief" status for this end user ?

Olivier Mas



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Brett Elliott

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Olivier MAS,

Yes, there are ticket access settings on both the Org and the User. This article explains how they work.

- Brett


@... so the answer is actually "No" : like I said, I would like to do it " only for him (he is a kind of director/manager) ". But thank you for the article.


Did something recently change with adding organizations?   In the past I never set the user role when setting up the account and gave permissions at the user level.  However, for the past few weeks the user roles are being restricted by what's on the organization record.


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Zendesk Customer Care

¡Hello Julia, I hope you are well!

Thank you for your question. There have been no recent changes as to how Organizations handle their permissions, but keep in mind that there permissions at the Organization level as well as on the user level, and different combinations of these can have varying results. 

Here is a handy table describing what is the outcome based on the different configurations set for permissions on both the Organization and the user level:

You can find this table and more information on this topic on this article: What is the difference between ticket access at the organization level and user level?

Is it possible that the permissions set on your Organizations might be different from how it used to be?

I hope this was helpful!


Rather than using a full email domain (such as is it possible to assign all that end ‘’ to a specific organisation by entering in the Domain field for teh Organisation?


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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Helen,

Based on the information in this article, to configure user mapping you will need to enter the email domains, separated with spaces (for example,

We tried to use only the ‘’ or various other commercial domains with country codes, but unfortunately it did not work. I hope that answers your question. Thank you!


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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary

Following up on Jan 3 2022 comment (Is there a way to automatically assign a group to a new organization?) and Jan 4 2022 update (I want to update the group on the organization record when the organization is created which needs to happen before the ticket is created). We have a similar need to A) update group automatically on org creation and B) updating existing org group (we recently made a change to our structure and need to update hundreds of orgs). Can this be done by bulk import?


Is there a limit to the number of domains you can add to an Organization?


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