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Show Sender Email Address By Default
Publicado 26 de ago. de 2021
Please create an option to allow us to show sender email address by default, for all tickets created via email.
Currently, only the sender display name is shown. Agents must click the 3 dots next to the message, then click "View original email", in order to show the sender email address. These extra steps make it rather cumbersome to verify sender address for each and every ticket.
This is a security issue as display names on emails are easily spoofed, and are frequently spoofed, by attackers sending phishing emails.
We are training our users to view the sender email address and not rely on the display name to verify identity. This is industry standard and best practice.
Almost all email clients today show the sender email address next to the display name. The fact that Zendesk does not, causes confusion among our users.
This needs to be something that is easily accessible to all agents when viewing tickets created via email.
6 comentários
CJ Johnson
+1 to this!
Óskar Ómarsson
This is a major security concern in my organisation, it is extremely common that the email address is displayed next to the display name of a sender (requester in Zendesk) and it is for a very good reason.
Gmail for example does this unless you have added the sender to your address book.
We had a breach to one of our external systems that would have been easily preventable and if this would have been in place that would have increased the chance of detection of malicious email greatly. In this case the display name in the email was made to look like the email was coming from a known source, but the email address it self was from completely different source.
Please have this fixed, this is an very serious issue.
Charidy Support
Were there any updates on this matter?
Lawrence Dye
+1. There is also another thread on this very topic.
Benjamin Kirsch
Hi all, thanks for providing the feedback here around surfacing email sender addresses in the OmniLog. Although we don't have this on our roadmap at the moment, we'll continue to monitor this thread for feedback related to this issue. Some of the infrastructure we're building for a new feature named Email Status will likely speed along the development of this request in the future, so please continue to upvote and provide feedback here! Thank you!
Route 101 team
Although the side context panel can show the email address, it's an extra step to click on for agents.
Showing the SMTP address on the ticket by default would also aid agents in spotting spoof/phishing emails