Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
This Explore recipe shows you how to report on how many tickets have been submitted by a user or certain users.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time Required: 10 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Adding users to Explore)
- Ticket and customer data in Zendesk Support
How to create the report in Explore
Use the following steps to create this report in Explore:
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Tickets, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Tickets > Tickets, then click Apply. Notice that COUNT(Tickets) is displayed in the Metrics panel and Explore automatically displays the count of tickets in the main section of the page.
- Next, add the attribute that will display the number of tickets for each ticket requester (i.e. someone who's opened a ticket). In the Rows section, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Requester/user > Requester name and Requester/user > Requester email, then click Apply. Explore displays each ticket requester, their email address, and the number of tickets they have opened.
- Optionally, from the list of attributes, you may want to choose an attribute under Time - ticket created or Time - ticket solved, which will allow you to slice this data by week or month, for example.
- If you want to display only end user tickets or agent tickets, add a filter to the report. In the Filters section, click Add. From the list of attributes, choose Requester/user > Requester role, then click Apply. Click the filter you just added. Then, from the list of values, choose End-user. If you want to display tickets requested by agents, click Agent.
You'll end up with a report that looks similar to the following: - Finally, Save your new report.
Add your report to a dashboard to share it with your customers. For more information, see the article: Sharing Explore dashboards outside of Zendesk.
Mohamed Elbawab
I need to generate a Zendesk explore report for the number of open tickets per customer. The problem is that i always have to filter with the ticket created date, solved date, or update date.
I just need to check daily the number of tickets for a customer (not filtering if they were created, closed or updated).
One more thing, if 2 tickets were opened on a day and not solved, they should appear on the next day as they were not solved.
Hi Mohamed, it looks like this can be done using steps 1-7 above. When I did it, the report didn't require me to add a date created or solved. After completing those steps I added a filter at the top for ticket status, and set it to filter for any tickets in 'pending, on hold, or NULL' status.
Hi everyone!
As I said HERE how can I have the requester list with absolutely zero tickets?
COUNT(Tickets) arrives to 1:
We need to cancel the requesters with no tickets.