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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Hi, Since I couldn't figure out a way to do it, I follow up on my previous question which was answered positively

In insights it was possible to apply a filter based on tags to an entire query and get for example a heatmap of FRT and corresponding tickets:


In Explore I cannot figure it out how I can restrict the FRT only to certain tickets based on tags, like it was possible in Insights and was answered it will be possible.

Can you please help me with this? We have certain tags that we apply manually for example to outliers, so that they are not included in the FRT calculation, for accuracy. Is there a way to be able to have the same result in Explore?

Thanks in advance!


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Adrian

You should be able to select Ticket Tags as a filter to exclude.  Hope this helps!

Brandon Tidd
729 Solutions


Hello @... and thanks for the answer !

I guess it was right in front of my eyes, but my mind got biased from Insights that the simple filtering by tags doesn't work. :)

Good day!


How can I utilize attribute sets or groups in conjunction with "INCLUDES_ANY"? 

For example, I've created an attribute set known as 'Ticket Workers' which includes the assignee tags of our various team names. All of these together should report on every member of every team. 

I'd like to use this set instead of manually typing out each individual team name, but I can't seem to get INCLUDES_ANY to read an attribute set. For example:

IF INCLUDES_ANY([Assignee Tags], [Ticket Workers]) THEN [Assignee Name]

I feel like this would be one of the major benefits of attribute sets but I can't find this kind of function documented anywhere. I feel like there is some way to "pull" values out of a set for comparison purposes, but I couldn't find it. 


Brandon- I am following up on my previous concern with filtering FRT by tags if you can help please :)

I created a FRT heatmap, that includes also the number of tickets, which I filtered to exclude certain tags (as per advice).

When testing for accuracy, I discovered, as highlighted in the capture below, that there are FRT values for 0 tickets:

When drilling through for that FRT value, I found a ticket with one of the tags which should have been excluded by the filtering. This is the same for all cases where the ticket number is 0 but there is a FRT value in the heatmap: the tag filtering is not applied to FRT.

Am I missing/doing something wrong or the tags filtering functionality doesn't work for all metrics and FRT is among them?

Many thanks!


@... Tag exclusion filtering doesn't work, this has been a known issue in Explore for at least a year and it doesn't seem like something they'll be fixing anytime soon. 

I would recommend instead baking a tag exclusion into a custom metric like so:

IF NOT INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "badtag") THEN MED(First reply time (min)) ENDIF

I didn't test that myself, but I've used similar metrics to good effect for us when we need to exclude automated nagios uptime tickets and such. 


@Adrian M. did you tried using the Metric filter to remove blank values for number of tickets metric?


@... Many thanks for the great suggestion to include the tag exclusion in a metric. The example formula worked for me, with a little change: VALUE instead of MED before (First reply time (min), since I am applying the aggregator in the query. 

@... upon your advice, I tried the filter and nothing changed visibly to the heatmap. But the help is appreciated :)



We want to categorise our tags into 'primary' and 'secondary'. Primary defining the account query, order query, or delivery query. The secondary to outline the specific nature of the ticket i.e 'deliveryquery' 'delayeddelivery'.

Is it possible to search tag 'x' and view all other tags auxiliary to this?


Hi James,
I created a ticket for your question so we can look into it better.

Thibaut | Customer Advocate | EMEA



I would like to make reports in which I exclude all tags containing "autosolve" in them. 

We have 16 subsidiaries live on Zendesk right now (on one instance), so we have a bunch of autosolve tags. 

Would it be possible to make a formula this way :

IF (NOT INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "*autosolve*")) THEN [Ticket ID] ENDIF
The stars between autosolve would make sure it would take all tags including this word.

Thank you for your feedback.



The metric you noted is close but you want to use '%' as the wildcard character instead of '*'. Something like this should do what you're looking for:

IF NOT INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "%autosolve%")
THEN [Ticket ID]


Thank you @..., I will try it :)


Can anyone figure out why this custom attribute is not filtering out orgs with any of these tags?

IF (NOT INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket organization tags] ,"yes-hosted","yes","yes-saas")) THEN [Ticket organization name] ENDIF

If I create a report I am still seeing orgs with one of these tags on the org record.

Below are the attributed used and restrictions


Bumping to see if anyone can offer some advice on this one




@... it's possible it's a syntax issue, I can't tell if the example you provided is actually missing spaces between the tags or if that's just how it pasted. 

I created a test attribute on my instance though and this structure worked for me to exclude orgs that included the noted tags:

IF (NOT INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket organization tags], "tag1", "tag2")) THEN
[Ticket organization name]

Double-check that you have spaces between the tags in the INCLUDES_ANY() function, and that the tags are identical to how they appear on the org itself. 


@...  It was the spaces (or lack there of)...Thanks!



I noticed when creating custom metric as suggested in the article the values that appear within the column are 0 and 1. Is there a way I can filter the metric to only show 1 as those are the rows I want to bring up only. 

Also, I am trying to recreate the below query from Insights. Do the queries mentioned in the article replace the need to create a query like this one that is pulling only tickets with certain tags? If not, how do you recreate this using the Explorer language? 

SELECT IFNULL((SELECT # Tickets WHERE (SELECT Ticket Filter Part 1_KBM_Assigned Tag BY Ticket Id)=1 AND (Select Ticket Filter_KBM_KB Monthly Tag BY Ticket Id)=1 AND (Select Ticket Filter_KBM_Completed Tag BY Ticket Id)=1 AND (Select Ticket Filter_KBM_Published Tag BY Ticket Id)=0), 0)




I would like to do as below

Find all tickets with tags of A and B, but without C to Z. In normal cases, there are many tickets containing tags of A and B and C and D. But I would sort out the tickets with only A and B.

Can Zendesk help me? 


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Qin,

You can set up your metric using a formula similar to this sample:

IF (INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "tag_A","tag_B"))
AND NOT INCLUDES_ALL([Ticket tags], "tag_C","tag_D")
THEN [Ticket ID]

This will count tickets that have either or both tags A and B, and does not have the tags C or D. If you have more tags that you need to exclude, then you'll need to list each of them under the NOT INCLUDES_ALL condition.

Hope this helps. Thanks Qin!


Do we know when there will be an ETA for the Exclude tab for filters will be working correctly so we do not have to create new metrics and attributes as a work around?


Hi Sara,

There's no ETA for further improvements on tag filtering at this time. For more information see the comments from Eugene Orman and Nicole Saunders in the comments section of this thread, and upvote & follow so you're updated if things change: Exclude ticket tags



We were doing our first round of monthly stats since merging over to Explore for fully storing our stats. We noticed that a tag that was assigned to a fan's Twitter DM was counted 3 times because the fan messaged us on 3 different instances (this is fairly common with the nature of our business).  Is there a way to filter the counts both when searching for the tags: on Zendesk and in Explore, so we can only count each single use of the tag rather than the cases of the tag being counted multiple times when its carried over on a new ticket?

Thanks a ton in advance!



Hello, I modified today my Agents tags, including new tags. However, I have a doubt: will these tags being available to be filtered also on tickets in the past, using the "Attribute name" as "Updater tags" ? Would those be linked and saved to the past update?
Or, Explore will do the link with the Updater name and his actual/new tag?

thank you!


Hi! Is there a way to combine tags to display as one in queries?

For example, I have two tags I'm using to track the same type of ticket, and I want them to show as one column on my chart. 


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey Colin,

You should be able to do this via a custom metric or attribute:

To count them

IF (INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "tag_A","tag_B"))
THEN [Ticket ID]

From here you can just rename the column header by clicking on it.

To rename the returned results

IF (INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "tag_A","tag_B"))
THEN "My Custom Tag Name"

Hope this helps!



Hi! I need some help.
We have a bunch of tickets all containing the same tag (let's say main_tag). Of all these tickets, some contain a tag_A, others contain a tag_B, others contain a tag_C, and others a tag_D. Some tickets also contain multiple tags (ie. tag_A + tag_B).
I'd like to create a pie chart reporting only on the tickets containing main_tag, and finding how many of them have tag_A, how many have tag_B, how many tag_C, and how many tag_D.
I tried by creating a calculated metric with this formula and the COUNT aggregator:

IF (INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "main_tag")) THEN [Ticket ID] ENDIF

But it's giving me a result that is adding up all the single cases in which each tag was used. Basically, the tickets with the tag main_tag were 22. Of these 22, 19 tickets had tag_A, 7 tickets had tag_B, 11 tickets had tag_C and 13 tickets had tag_D. And this is because many of these tickets have multiple tags. 
But Explore is adding up all the numbers and it's doing 19+7+11+13 = 50, showing as if we received 50 tickets with the main_tag. How can I make it so that it calculates the pie and the percentages on the total 22 tickets? 
Hope my question was clear. Thanks!


Ilaria Am I understanding correctly that there isn't actually a single "main_tag" in your example, but instead that "main_tag" is a 'base' and there's several possible variations of it? (ie tag_a, tag_b, etc)? Or that there is one main_tag which will always have accompanying "supplemental" tags - tag_a, tag_b etc

In either case, that you have so many tickets where multiple of these tags are applied and you don't want them overlapping (50 total tickets instead of 22 as described) then you need some sort of "prioritization" to determine that if a ticket has tag_a AND tag_b, which part of the pie chart do you want it represented in? 

My first thought with what you presented in your comment is that the formula would work with the "D_COUNT" aggregator instead of COUNT, which will return distinct ticket IDs instead of a ticket ID for every match. Though I don't know if this alone would solve the problem with multiple tags appearing. 

If you want to use some kind of tag prioritization I think a custom attribute would be the best approach where each 'supplemental' tag is listed out in an if/then/else structure like:



(INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "tag_a")) 

THEN "tag_a"


(INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "tag_b"))

THEN "tag_b"




I haven't tested this but in theory it should give you back an attribute set that includes each _Aa tag that's grouped hierarchically in the order defined in the attribute. 

If you can shed a bit more light on the setup and what you're trying to achieve I can try and help further.


Saxon Clay it's the second thing: there is always one main_tag which will always have accompanying "supplemental" tags - tag_a, tag_b etc. So all 22 tickets contain the tag main_tag, and then some of them have tag_A, others have tag_B, and so on.

I'd like to have all numbers reflected, and not define any prioritization, so maybe the pie is not the correct type of visualization for what I need? Basically I want a report that says:

Of 22 tickets with the tag main_tag,

  • 19 tickets had tag_A
  • 7 tickets had tag_B
  • 11 tickets had tag_C
  • 13 tickets had tag_D

and it doesn't matter if one or more tickets are repeated in this count. I already tried with the D_COUNT but it didn't work. 


Ilaria I played around with the pie graph a bit but it seems the standard behavior is to aggregate all your values together (50 tickets) instead of referencing the actual total and I couldn't find a way around that behavior. 

I think a regular table would work the best in this case. Using the metric you already built, and then using 'ticket tags' as the Row attribute you can select just the tags you'd like to display, then possibly change it to an Ordered Set attribute if the default listing isn't in the order you want. 

To avoid manually selecting individual labels, or going back and updating it whenever a new label is added, you could make a custom "tag_%" attribute assuming all of the attributes actually follow a similar naming convention. 

IF LEFTPART([Ticket tags], 4) = "tag-"
THEN [Ticket tags]

This would return all ticket tags in a filtered down attribute that match the "tag-" naming convention, and would automatically update to include any new tags. 


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