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What goes in the rows and columns of an Explore report?

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Elissa Tikalsky

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Jan 24, 2024




I create a report using the metrics that I need. They all come in columns and the values as one row when I visualize it by Table using Visualization. In Insights, I could swap the columns and rows so that I do not have to scroll to the right to see the value of all metrics. How do I do this in Explore?


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Hi Vijayendra! You can simply drag and drop the attributes in columns and rows to change the orientation. I'm not sure why that share link from screencast isn't working. I've moved a copy over to Google Drive, so this link should work:


Hi Chris! The screen capture link that you provided is not working. I am getting "page not found" message.


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Vijayendra I've moved that video hosting to GDrive. Let me know if that doesn't work


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