All public-facing product documentation for Zendesk is published in this Zendesk help center. Though most other teams at Zendesk create content directly in the help center, the Docs team creates and maintains the product documentation offline in DITA source files. DITA, which stands for Darwin Information Typing Architecture, is an XML-based data model for authoring and publishing content. Basically, DITA files are plain text XML files.
This article covers the following topics:
DITA is an industry-standard for creating and maintaining large documentation sets. It's designed for publishing content in multiple channels from a single source. Jacquie Samuels on describes the problem it tries to solve as follows:
Writing content in Word, email, PowerPoint, WordPress, HTML, InDesign, FrameMaker, or any other format is equivalent to writing on stone tablets. Your content is essentially stuck in that format and dumb as a rock. Dumb content can’t be easily reused or repurposed, and that’s inefficient and costly.
DITA is a way of writing and storing your content so you can manage it like an asset. It leverages XML (eXtensible Markup Language), to make your content intelligent, versatile, manageable, and portable.
For example, content that is in DITA can be published to (and fully branded), PDF, HTML, RTF, PowerPoint, and mobile–all without ever copying and pasting anything between files.
(Source: What Is DITA? on TechWhirl)
Apart from separating content from format, the other benefits of DITA for the Zendesk Docs team are as follows:
- Forces us to be disciplined about content structure. A DITA file is XML. If the structure is invalid, the tool won't let us do anything with it.
- Allows us to move content around easily. We just drag a topic node from one place to another in the structure.
- Allows us to reuse content by importing chunks of content in multiple articles.
- We don't often publish PDFs but when we do, we use the DITA source files.
The DITA authoring tool we use is Oxygen XML Author. In addition to its robust authoring environment, we rely on a host of other features, including search, validation, and XHTML transformations. Other DITA authoring tools include Framemaker, Arbortext, and XMetal (to mention a few).
How we author and publish articles
The writers use Oxygen XML Author to create or update content in the DITA files. Because DITA was created to allow multi-channel publishing from a single source, the DITA text files contain no styling. All they contain is structured content. For the web channel, all the styling is provided by external CSS style sheets, not DITA. In our case, all the styling is provided by the style sheets in our Guide theme.
When we're ready to publish (usually at the same time a product feature is released or updated), we use Author to transform the DITA to XHTML, which is a stricter version of HTML. We then publish the XHTML to the help center using the Help Center API.
Starting with version 24, Oxygen XML Editor includes a built-in transformation scenario that can publish DITA topics to XHTML output and upload them directly as articles to a Zendesk help center. See DITA Map Publishing in XML Editor help. For a video, see Publishing Content to Zendesk Help Center in XML Editor help.
Occasionally, we need to update many articles in a short amount of time. For example, when Zendesk simplified its pricing and branding, hundreds of amended articles had to be published by 8 a.m. Pacific time on a specific date. In the weeks leading up to the deadline, the writers updated the DITA source files, then we used Author to batch transform the files. We pushed them to the help center using the Help Center API. Publishing them only took a few minutes.
How we manage files
We use GitHub to manage our DITA files. Before creating or updating an article, a writer creates a branch in our repository, makes the changes, then creates a pull request. The pull request is reviewed by the other writers on the team. This has the added benefit of giving writers an opportunity to peer review each other's work.
We store images in Amazon S3, or Amazon Simple Storage Service, a scalable cloud storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). All the images in our articles are served to your browser from S3, not from the help center. The Amazon S3 service makes managing the images simpler.
How we publish localized articles
The default language of our help centers is English. We also publish the product docs in German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, and Simplified Chinese.
When a localization handoff is due, we use the help center API to download selected English articles from the help center and write them to HTML files. We use the Amazon AWS API to download article images from our Amazon S3 bucket. We package the HTML files and images and hand them off to our localization vendor. After the vendor returns the translations, we upload the articles and images with the Help Center API and the AWS API.
Charles Nadeau
Hi Valery, unfortunately we don't have a script for the use case I'm describing. Our team publishes articles manually.
To track which article in Help Center that a DITA file corresponds to, we use the `props` attribute in the top-level `topic` element of a DITA file to store the article id of the Help Center article. The writers manually add the id to the element when they publish a new article. Example:
Hope this helps.
Robert Garber
Are there any examples of what this looks like? We are looking for a solution to publish our DITA manuals into an HTML format and this looks like it may work.
Wondering what the output is for a full manual with lots of cross references.
Valery Topilin
I took a different approach, probably more complex:
With media files stored in zendesk it takes quite a while, but if you use aws like @... proposes - it's much quicker and takes just couple of minutes for 300+ articles
Arno (EMEA Partner)
Valery Topilin,
Sound interesting they way you have done it. So you are able to manage the structure as well with subsections with pretty straight forward process.
I am not so familiar with Oxygen yet, so my questions might seem simple, but I would greatly appreciate insight on these.
You can add hierarchy in the documentation as elements like category, section, subsection, subsection directly on Oxygen side, and then update (create, update, remove) categories and sections/subsection accordingly with single "run"?
How much Oxygen expertise and development/configuration work this has required on Oxygen side to implement such process?
Thanks in advance,