Below are ways to navigate the help center site to find the information you need about Zendesk products.
This article includes the below sections:
- Searching for information
- Browsing for information
- Asking for help
- Interacting in the help center
- Additional resources for developers
Searching for information
- Use the search bar at the top of any page to search for information. Zendesk suggests articles based on keywords or phrases. Press Enter when you finish typing your search query. The results will appear on a list on the search results page.
- If you don't see what you're looking for on the search results page, filter your search results by content type, Articles, or Community Discussions, then by category. You can select multiple categories at the same time to show content from different locations.
- Use different operands to scope your search. For example, if you want to find content that contains multiple words, use double quotes (") around each word. For example,
"first" "reply" "time"
. You can omit keywords by adding a hyphen at the beginning of the word-sso
. For other operands, see the article: Searching for content.
Browsing for information
Select the type of content you're interested in from the home page under Resources
- Getting started articles help with setting up your Zendesk account for the first time
- Product guides provide in depth explanations of the various features and products that Zendesk offers
- Help and FAQs comprise troubleshooting documentation and answers to common questions
- Best practice and how-tos is full of recipes for common use cases and contains recommendations on how to use Zendesk
- Video will take you to our video library in YouTube
- Community is where you can connect with other Zendesk customers to crowd source ideas and give feedback
- Once you've selected the type of content you're interested in seeing, articles are further categorized into sections divided by product area.
- Clicking into a product area section will give you further options where content is categorized into subsections, most often grouped by use case case
- Use the Knowledge base drop down in the Header to quickly navigate between these categories from anywhere in the help center
There are 2 other ways to browse content from the home page:
News and updates is where Zendesk highlights product changes, announces new features, and posts release notes so you can stay up to date on everything happening at Zendesk.
Quick links is where you can find some of the most popular Zendesk articles.
- Use the navigation options on the left to quickly navigate between the three groups of content: Common topics, Role-based guides, and Additional resources.
Asking for help
If you need to contact Zendesk, your options are outlined in Contacting Zendesk Customer Support.
Interacting in the help center
Vote or comment on articles and community postings with your questions or insights. To do so, sign up or log in to the help center before posting your question or comment. For more information, see the articles:
Zendesk also welcomes you to join the discussions in the Community.
Additional resources for developers
If you're looking for content for a developer audience or our developer Community conversations, visit any of the below topics: