Zendesk is continuing to improve your customer support experience as a direct result of your feedback. We have new items to share.
Tooltip now displayed in our widget
The full subject line will be displayed in our customer support widget as a tooltip when you hover your cursor over the conversation in the conversation list.
Contextual subject lines for widget conversations
Instead of a generic description for each session, you’ll see contextual subject lines in your conversations with the widget to save you time when viewing active or past conversations.
Attention-grabbing notifications for your unread widget messages
We’re making it easier for you to notice new unread messages in the widget when a response is available which speeds you along to a resolution.
- If you’re logged in to your instance(s) when you receive a message from us, the widget will appear with a notification badge indicating the number of unread messages ready for your attention. If you have unread messages from older conversations when the notification badge first appears, those unread messages will appear as unread.
- If you’re not logged in when you receive a new message, the widget will pop open once you do log in to display your unread messages. The widget will continue to pop open upon login when you have unread messages. Once your messages are read, the widget will no longer open up after login but the notification badge will update to reflect new unread messages.
Earlier this year, we made the following improvements:
- When you have an unread message from us, you now receive an email notification letting you know, to keep the flow of conversation moving when you have a new reply. You can do this too using continuous conversations.
- Improved Z Bot with additional self-service flows for common issues so you don’t have to wait for an agent. For example, you can now ask Z Bot for guidance on how to manage your sandbox or add a Talk number.
- Improved widget accessibility through updates to the widget.
- Display the subjects of your conversations in the widget so you can easily see which conversation is which.
- Re-visualized the back-to-back questions Z Bot needs to ask you for routing your conversation, so you can see them all at once.
- Introduced estimated wait times after you submit an issue or question to our customer support team. Premier customers will see wait times that align with their Service Level Agreements.
- Improved customer satisfaction survey notifications so that we continue to capture your feedback following a resolved issue.
We’re not stopping here – here’s how to stay informed as we continue to make improvements. With each update, we’ll share what we’ve heard from you and what we’re doing in response to your feedback.
- Get updates about changes. Click the Follow button in the upper-right to get notifications when we update this article with new information.
Share your feedback. Complete this form to share your thoughts with us. We promise to keep listening and we’ll continue to deliver improvements as a result.
CJ Johnson
"Conversations in the Messaging widget will now be named based on the subject of your ticket, providing you with contextual information to assist you when navigating your list of conversations – previously every conversation was named “Zendesk”. "

This is a bit of a confusing update. I've never had a conversation named Zendesk. I have had every ticket made have a title like "Conversation with CJ" though. Is that what is changing? What gets used as the ticket title?
Additionally, I ran into the new form in Messaging already. This is loads nicer, thank you! It really improves the readability of the ticket and reduces clicks/effort to open an issue. However, the description field having a 128 character limit is very strange. Is this supposed to be the title? I was unable to actually describe my issue in a short enough manner.
Madison Hoffman
Hi CJ! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback. Happy to help fill in some of the blanks here!
Here are a couple screenshots to demonstrate before and after:
While you may be accustomed to seeing a generic ticket title in some places (like here in the Help Center under Avatar > My Activities), in the list of conversations, we've historically only shown "Zendesk" like the first image shows. As of yesterday's release, you'll see a more contextual conversation title in the list of conversations, so it's easier to find the right one to return to, like the second image. This new title is actually pulling from the ticket subject, which our agents will be updating to align with the topic of the conversation, so you should also see under My Activities that your ticket subjects are more meaningful, too.
Good call! We're investigating if it's technologically possible for us to increase this character limit. We also know that the field isn't vertically responsive, which would make it more user-friendly as well, so we're investigating that too.
In the meantime, here are couple suggestions:
1) The form with our triage questions appears at the end of every bot flow, so if you've described your issue to the bot up front, don't feel like you need to repeat anything in the Share additional details section that you've already shared. Anything you say to Z Bot will be visible to the agent who picks up your conversation.
2) If you've decided to bypass the bot and request a human right away, you could just provide a brief description in the Share more details field, submit the form, then send another message with additional context, examples, screenshots etc. The agent who replies to your conversation can always see the full conversation transcript.
We'll make sure to include any improvements we can make to that particular field in future release notes and if we find we can make updates sooner than our next major release, I'll report back here!
Ola Timpson
Is having multiple conversation threads a feature that we can activate for our Messaging widgets, or something that's only on your account?
Jon Ross
Hi Ola, thanks for reaching out!
Multiple Conversations is something we will be working on adding to the Zendesk Messaging Experience later this year. In the meantime, multiple conversations can be achieved (through additional customization) with our Sunshine Conversation platform.
Please see https://docs.smooch.io/guide/multi-party-conversations/ for further details.
Nicole Saunders
We’re no longer collecting feedback on the support experience via these comments, as many felt it was too cumbersome and it didn’t give us an accurate picture of everyone’s experiences. So, we created this survey form, which will be our official intake process for feedback on the support experience going forward. It will allow us to better quantify and respond to your feedback.
Since we’re changing this process, we’re now closing the comments on this article and look forward to hearing your thoughts in the survey. As stated in the article above, with each update, we’ll share a summary of the feedback we’ve heard from you and the improvements that follow it. Thank you as always for your feedback!
Jennifer Rowe
This article has been updated with the April 20th release notes for the Zendesk Customer Support experience. Thanks!
Jim Nestell
This article has been updated with the June 22nd release notes for the Zendesk Customer Support experience. Thanks!