When a case is created in Salesforce through the integration, why is the Account Name blank if the ticket requester belongs to an account?
The Salesforce integration ticket sync feature creates a new contact if no matching contact is found for the ticket requester. When will that contact be linked to a Salesforce account?
Case not linked to Account
If the ticket doesn't belong to an organization, matching doesn't take place. A case will be created with a link to the account of the matched contact.
If the ticket does have an organization and Account to Organization data sync is enabled, the Zendesk integration attempts to connect cases to accounts based on the matching logic set. The sync attempts to match the organization on the ticket to an account.
If Account to Organization data sync sync is disabled, the integration attempts to connect cases to accounts based on name-matching.
If the ticket sync creates a contact or a contact is synced from Salesforce to Zendesk, the integration stores a record of that sync relationship. The contact will be used for matching when multiple similar contacts exist. Such as multiple contacts with the same email address.
Newly-created contact not linked to the relevant account
The ticket sync can create a contact if no matching contact is found. This contact will be linked to a Salesforce account only if the Zendesk organization on the ticket has synced from a Saleforce account.