Can I revert unpublished changes to an Explore dashboard after leaving the editor?
No, it's not possible to revert unpublished changes to a dashboard in Explore once you leave the editor. As best practice, clone the dashboard before making any changes. When making a clone of a dashboard, you are making a copy of it to refer to.
For more information, see the article: Cloning a dashboard.
Alfredo Iglesias
Are the changes that I am doing in the preview also seen by other people managing the report? Or each preview is different for each person?
Christine Diego
Hi Alfredo Iglesias,
The changes you are making on the dashboard while in preview mode will only applied to you, it will not affect other user, unless you edit the dashboard and publish the changes you've made.
Pascal Turmel
I don't get the “As best practice, clone the dashboard before making any changes”, This is not scalable there should be a way to undo the unpublished change if making several changes as part of the design of the dashboard? The undo button on dashboard does not do that for me
However, I regret to inform you that this feature is currently not available. While I understand that this news may be disappointing, please rest assured that we are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our valued customers like yourself.
I understand you've already included this on your response but I would recommend to clone a dashboard first if you need to make several edits before publishing, just so that you can compare the draft to the currently published state of the dashboard.
Thank you so much for your understanding on this matter.
bill cicchetti
If you clone a Dashboard do the settings of the dashboard get cloned also? For instance access rights and/or schedules?
Anna Valdez
Darenne “I would recommend to clone a dashboard first if you need to make several edits before"
Sorry, but this is terrible user experience! We are speaking about a working “Undo” or “Discard Changes” in year 2024.