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Merging related tickets based on suggestions

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Hey Erin O'Callaghan

You can sign up for the EAP here

There is no link here 🧐


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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Viachaslau Skorbezh apologies; the link is fixed now. Thank you for pointing it out!


Just to confirm, this will not propose merging tickets across organizations correct? This would be suggested merging tickets for the same user/org?


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Alison.

Yes. It will be based on tickets submitted by the same requester two weeks before and after the current ticket being viewed by the agent was created.

Hope this helps.


For curiousity, could you (Zendesk) outline to which extent this would be "based on AI suggestions"?

Is it only "show all tickets from this requester within a 4 week windw"? Or AI?



Is it just me, or is there still no link here? 

You can sign up for the EAP here


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Matt Russell

Zendesk Luminary

Q: We have some roles for agents that do not allow merging of tickets as part of their configured ability to edit ticket properties.  Will this feature follow that logic: if an agent can merge a ticket or not will depend on if they can see this suggestion?


Hi, We have been using this tool and our agents find it hard to remember to use it. We rely heavy on AHT so our agents work pretty fast and dont always see the feature to highlight the posibility to merge. 

When they do see it they find it helpful and easy to use. It would be nice to have an alert pop up when they get on the ticket in play mode that directs them to the knowledge that the user has multiple open tickets. 




Echoing Matt Russell's question, we have turned off merging for anyone but admins. If we turn this feature on, what's the agent experience like if they don't have the ability to merge? 


A current limitation of the tool is that it only identifies and suggests merging up to three tickets. This presents a challenge when customers have more than three open tickets during an incident. Due to visibility issues, agents must then determine which tool to use to efficiently view all open tickets.


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Matt Russell

Zendesk Luminary

Hello, please mark this as closed.


Thank you,
-Matt Russell
Customer Service Delivery Manager


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