Add-on | Quality Assurance (QA) or Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) |
This article describes how to find conversations to review using custom filters in Zendesk QA. By creating custom filters, you can easily locate specific conversations based on various criteria.
This article contains the following sections:
Creating custom filters to find conversations
To find the conversations you want to review, you can create custom filters.
To create a custom conversation filter
- Navigate to the Conversations page.
- Next to Public filters, click the + icon to create a new filter.
See About filter types for more on creating new filters. - Add a Filter name then define the filter conditions you require to locate the conversations you want to review.
- For each filter option, click the topic, then use the dropdown and text field to set the filter criteria, then click Apply filter.
- Click + next to the filter to add additional conditions to the filter.
Note that conversations will have to match all conditions defined here. For example, if you create a filter with the conditions 'Assignee : is : Luna' and 'Public reply count : > 3' and 'Rating status : not rated', you'll get a list of Luna's conversations with more than three replies that have not yet been rated.
- Choose whether the filter is shared or private.
- Click Create filter.
Understanding filter types
Filters are divided into three sections, based on data relating to:
Filters based on date
The following filters based on date are available:
Closed date
Find conversations based on when they were closed in your help desk. -
Commented date
Find conversations based on when a comment was left on a conversation in Zendesk QA, either as a part of the review or a standalone comment. -
Created date
Find conversations that were started by customers in a certain period of time. -
CSAT survey reply date
Find conversations based on the date when the survey reply was sent. -
CSAT survey sent date
Find conversations based on the date when the survey was sent out. -
Last reply date
Find conversations based on the last time a reply was sent to your customer.
Reviewed date
Find conversations that were already reviewed but you want to go over them or you want to use them for Calibration.
Updated date
Updated date filter rule will show you all conversations that have had some actions on them (e.g. closed, new reply, new internal note).
The following filters based on conversation data are available:
- Categories (AutoQA):
- Closing
- Empathy
- Greeting
- Rating category
- Solution
- Spelling & grammar
- Tone
- Readability
- Information:
Conversation channel
Find conversations based on the communication channel such as email, chat, call. -
Conversation content
Find conversations containing a specific key word or phrase in the textual conversations (does not work for call transcripts). -
Conversation description
Find conversations based on the first message in the conversation. -
Conversation group
Find conversations based on the group they belong to in your help desk. -
Conversation status
Find conversations based on the current status (e.g. open, pending, closed, solved). -
Conversation subject
Find conversations based on the subject or the topic of the conversation. -
Conversation tags
Find conversations based on the tags from your help desk. -
Conversation type
Find conversations based on the type or category that describes the nature of the conversation (e.g. inbound, outbound). -
Language (AI)
Find conversations based on their language. -
Find conversations that were starred either by you or other team members. -
Find conversations with a transcript of the call recording. -
Viewed status
Find conversations which were or weren't viewed by the currently logged in user. - Metrics:
Agent reply count (AI)
Find conversations based on a specific number of messages sent by the agent(s). -
Average character count (AI)
Find conversations with a specific character number. -
Average word count (AI)
Find conversations of a certain length. -
Call duration (in seconds)
Find only phone call recordings of a certain duration. That way you can focus on giving reviews to calls of a certain length. -
Conversation private note count (AI)
Find conversations that contain internal notes. -
Conversation reply count
Find conversations based on the replies sent by both the agent and the customer (including internal notes). -
CSAT per message
Find conversations with satisfaction scores per individual message. -
Customer reply count (AI)
Find conversations based on the number of replies sent by your customer. -
Most active agent (AI)
Find conversations based on the name of the most active agent in conversations handled by multiple support reps. -
Number of participating agents (AI)
Find conversations based on the number of agents who were participating in a conversation (including the ones who left an internal note). -
Public reply count (AI)
Find conversations based on the number of messages by the agent (internal notes not included) and the customer. -
Satisfaction score (CSAT)
Find conversations based on the feedback result. - Participants:
Assignee filter rule will help you focus on a particular user or the entire group. You can select just one or multiple users as Assignees or exclude some of them from your filter. -
External ID
Find conversations based on the external reference ID linked to the conversation. -
Find conversations based on who participated in it (including users who have left internal notes). -
Phone number
Find conversations based on the phone number (e.g. your customer's phone number). -
Public participant
Find conversations based on the agents who sent messages to your customers. -
Related email
Find conversations based on an email address that was included in the conversation. -
Reviewed by
Find conversations based on who the reviewer was (or wasn't). -
Find conversations based on who the recipient of the review was (or wasn't). -
User type
Find conversations based on the user role or type involved in the conversation. -
Find conversations based on which bot was involved. -
Bot type
Find conversations based on which type of bot (workflow or generative) was involved. -
Bot reply count
Find conversations based on how many bot replies there were. - Review and Feedback:
Find conversations which contain (or don't) a review with a comment or a standalone comment. -
Comment hashtags
Find conversations based on a hashtag in a review. -
Find conversations which were disputed. -
Review status
Find conversations which were or weren't reviewed. -
Review viewed
Find conversations which were reviewed and check if the reviewee has seen it or not. -
Reviewed scorecard
Find conversations based on the scorecard that was used to leave the review. -
Source type
Find conversations based on the source type. - Spotlight (AI-based filters):
- Churn risk
- Escalation
- Extra mile
- Follow up
- Ineligible for review
- Outlier
- Sentiment
Filters based on help desk
Depending on the data that is available from your help desk, you might see custom filters that will reflect your help desk setup.

Juan Pira
Hi team! While using the filters that allow "contains" how should we separate wording, by commas or just spaces?
Heather Rommel
How do we Filter by QA Group? I see the option to filter by the Zendesk assigned group, but we'd like to use the QA groups instead or in addition.
+1 to the question from Juan Pira, I tried using comma and space as separator but does not work.
What's going to be the separator for the operator “contains” under Conversation Description condition?