Add-on | AI agents - Advanced |
As you expand to different AI agents, brands, and/or regions you may wish to reduce duplicative work for yourself by copying common/shared Intents, Expressions, and/or Replies across AI agents. Instead of manually creating these again in the new AI agent, this is easy to achieve with the copy to another AI agent functionality.
What can you use it for?
- This can support creating an industry benchmark model faster for new AI agents.
- Previously, it was recommended to have a AI agent per language, however, with the introduction of multilingual AI agents that support over 100 languages, these can be consolidated into a single AI agent.
- Have a testing AI agent where you copy a dialogue to edit, test, and once happy with the behavior copy it back to the live AI agent.
- Multilingual AI agent
- Access to at least 2 AI agents
Included in this Article:
- Before You Start
- How to Copy Intents with attached Expressions & Replies
- Copy to another AI agent - fields explained
- Copy a Reply in a specific language
- Copy System Intents
Before you start
Ensure the same reply languages in the source AI agent are available in the destination AI agent. This will avoid warnings and support faster copying. If a language is not present there will be a warning message that informs you of this, and an option to open a new tab to create any missing languages will be shown.
Linked Objects
If you want to keep the linked objects, make sure that the destination AI agent has the same name as the linked objects existing (Replies, Template Replies, Actions, Entities, API integrations) before you copy the Intent or Reply.
Note - If we are not able to link the object by name - it will be missing, similar to the behavior we had previously with copying template replies. However, we will highlight broken links with a warning symbol to indicate an update is needed. Once updated and published, the warning symbol will disappear.
Exception - Intent Predicted and Content Entities in Dialogue Builder
Within the dialogue builder, you have the option to send a specific reply if a defined intent is predicted. When copying a reply, if this predicted intent is not in the destination AI agent, this block will be converted into the free text written option.
If the content entity does not exist in the destination AI agent, it will not be created, they need to match in order for the link to be maintained. If the entity does not exist, it will become a free text written option.
Content Entities
Check if Content Entities match between the source and destination AI agent. These will not be copied in the process outlined below and therefore need to be created and copied manually.
How to copy Intents with attached Expressions & Replies
- Navigate to Content > Intents to see your complete Intent list.
- Identify the Intent, associated expressions, and/or replies you would like to send to another AI agent.
- On the right-most side of the applicable row, click the
(burger-menu) to open more options.
- Select the "Copy to another AI agent" option
- A pop-up will appear where you can select the options applicable to you. You will find explanations of all options in the next section.
Copy to another AI agent - fields explained
Field | Explanation |
Intent |
Intent |
This is the Intent selected from the previous step. If you wish to change the source Intent, you can select an alternative from the drop-down menu. |
Intent Content to be Copied: |
Expressions |
The Expressions option from Intent to be copied will take all of the expressions you have created and transfer this to the destination you select in subsequent fields. Note - When copying to an existing Intent, if an expression exists already, this will not be duplicated as there is a background validation check to ensure all entries are unique. |
Intent Actions |
The Intent Actions option will copy all actions (Intent and Reply-level) to the destination AI agent. |
All Replies |
The All Replies option will copy all replies to the destination AI agent. |
Destination AI agent |
Destination AI agent |
This is where you select the AI agent that should be the recipient of your selections. Note - If you cannot find your desired AI agent in the drop-down, check the AI agent type. AI agents need to be the same AI agent type as they can only share between the same types for example - Automation AI agent <-> Automation AI agents. An exception is that combination AI agents can receive from Automation AI agents and Suggestion AI agents, but not the other way around. To check your AI agent type, you can see it under the name of your AI agent on the top right in the AI agent selector menu. To change your AI agent type, you can do this under Settings > AI agent settings > General > AI agent Type. |
When copying, |
Create a new Intent |
This will migrate the selections to the destination AI agent and create a new Intent with the same name as the sending AI agent. |
Copy to existing Intent |
When this option is selected a drop-down menu will appear to allow you to select the Intent you wish to copy to. Only Expression lists will be combined, however, Actions and Replies will be created as a new item within the Intent. Note - as there is a background validation, there may be a discrepancy between the number of expressions in the source vs destination AI agent. This will be due to duplicates in the lists, that have been removed. |
Copy a Reply in a specific language
Navigate to the reply menu of the Intent the Reply is attached to from Content > Intents and then click the message icon under the replies column. On the right-most side, select the
(burger-menu) to show additional options. From here, you can select the Destination AI agent, Destination Intent, and the Destination language for the reply.
The only difference here is the navigation to get to the chosen language, rather than sending all languages, and determining the destination language in a drop-down menu.
Copy System Intents
It is possible to copy System Intents, even if the destination AI agent doesn't have a specific system reply. In case there is a system reply you would like to copy from a newer AI agent to an older one, this can easily be added by copying an empty failed escalation System Intent from any other AI agent.
Note - Copying system replies will overwrite all of the data of the system reply in the destination AI agent.