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How do I set up a trigger to notify me about an internal note?
Posted Feb 11, 2021
I found this article about the subject which is very clear and easy to follow but didn't quite do the trick for me.
I'd like to somehow be notified when I'm tagged on an internal note or when one is created on a ticket I'm following.
How do I go about doing that?
Thank you!
Chandra Robrock
Hi @...!
If you'd like to create a notification when your @mentioned into a ticket, the below conditions will be the best way to achieve this at the moment would be to create a trigger similar to the one below.
Note: If you have an Alias Name setup in your Zendesk User Profile, you’ll want to use your Alias Name for the Comment Text condition. At this time, Zendesk will look for the Alias name associated with the @mentioned user rather than the actual comment text.
In terms of tickets you're following, are you specifically referring to tickets in which you've been added as a Follower, or something else?
Hi Karina,
Thanks for contacting Zendesk!
If an agent @ mentions you on a ticket, you should be added and notified as a CC. This is providing you have CCing enabled on the account.
If you would like to go down the Trigger route however, you can do so with the conditions in the attached screenshot :)
Make sure the name matches your name in your account.
I hope this helps!