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Split an unrelated request into a new ticket


Posted Mar 30, 2021

We are often getting replies to tickets that are completely unrelated to the original request. This makes managing the original issue confusing to both the end-user and our support team. Is there a streamlined method for separating a single comment out of a ticket and creating a new ticket for the unrelated request?




Hi Ari!

Thanks for reaching out to our Community! This is a great question that we've been in fact asked from time to time.

Unfortunately, as of right now, there's no native way to split single ticket comments into separate new tickets. We do have a Zendesk app - Linked Ticket - that makes it possible to create a separate child ticket. Please take a look here: Also, there are some third-party integrations that were built by our partners and provide similar functionality. You'll find them on our Marketplace too. However, from what I can see, it looks like these apps link only one ticket with the parent ticket - I'm afraid there's no integration that makes it possible to split several ticket comments into separate requests at this time.

As a workaround, you could always manually create new tickets if the customer is reaching out about a different question. You could add this question as an internal note to the new ticket and work on it from there. I do realise that this workflow is not ideal though, hence I would strongly recommend posting feedback in our Community topic "Feedback on Support" - Our product managers check these pages regularly and feature requests with a high number of votes can often end up being developed into new product features.

Please let us know if you have further questions.


We would like this feature too, it messes up our metrics on issue tracking to combine issues within a single ticket


Yes, we have the same issue.  We'd also need the ability to split several ticket comments into separate requests.



Has this been implemented yet? It seems like a really basic and useful feature, that I was just expecting to be there.


We used to use this in our last support application a lot.

Move to Zendesk feels like a step backwards in some respects. This is an important feature and should be considered a priority. Zendesk should know how often people use the same ticket over and over to create new issues.



i am writin now  (end of November 2024) and still we cannot split ticket in a simple way manner…
Frankly, we are not asking or requesting to travel to another planet…
there is no roadmap, no feedback, no customer voice listening…

where are your product management / dev team for implementation of simple actions?
I would prefer you to say “ we will not make it / implement ” or “we dont care ”…

just a shame


Stéphane Bahraoui I feel your pain and the apparent lack of product management and dev team addressing some very old requests by ZD customers that should be very simple, yet almost daily there are announcements of some AI-related new releases.  I feel ZD should get some of the simple functionality developed that was requested years ago.  Split tickets is only one of them.  Consider, customised fields in the search view, URL-type custom field, Custom statuses for different support groups/agents.


In the meantime I've found the Split ‘n’ Close app has worked well for us.  You may find the free plan is sufficient for your needs.

Link to the app in ZD Marketplace:



Check out this app: It's an advanced version of the existing third party app, and much more affordable.


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