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When using Secure Attachments, allow embedded images to load in email notifications
Posted Nov 10, 2020
In our Zendesk instance, we enabled the "Secure Attachments" setting. This setting is great from a security perspective, but is causing some usability issues.
With the option enabled, image embeds no longer appear in email notifications to agents or to our customers. This makes it painful for agents and customers to view images that are sent into a ticket.
I'd like to have an option to not treat image embeds as Secure Attachments so that we can continue embedding images. This would allow flexibility of uploading an image as an attachment and treating it as secure, but let us provide example screenshots in an email readable format.
The only other route I see would be to have some placeholder image that we can configure that indicates why an image is not loading.
Donna Fairhurst
Do you know if this has been addressed at all? We are running into the same issue -
@... - did anyone reach out to you for a resolution?
Geran Smith
@... no one has reached out. From my understanding, this is "expected" behavior with secure attachments.
Donna Fairhurst
@... is there any work around for this? Anything in the dev set up that can allow us to have images inline when having secure email attachment engaged?
Ifra Saqlain
OOPS, I am seeing this post yet. Sorry to be late, I'll take a look and get back to you.