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Zendesk Unity SDK 1.2.4 - GetRequestUpdates returns valid response only if ZendeskUI has been shown
Posted Jan 10, 2022
We are trying to add custom notification in our GUI by this manual:
- We're using anonymous authentication.
- Only one ZendeskMain (zendesk prefab) instance initializes on app launch and used in whole app lifetime
- Repetitive calls to `zendesk.supportProvider.GetRequestUpdates(CallbackDelegate)` are made while app is active
But `Response` object in `GetRequestUpdate` callback gets valid `Result` object only if user opens ZendeskUI. E.g.:
- User creates ticket and closes app (completely, by removing from RAM)
- We're make response to this ticket
- User launches app - `response.Result.hasUpdates` is false
- User opens ZendeskUI, sees update to his ticket in tickets list, but not opens it - `hasUpdates` is true
- All subsequent updates to `ZendeskRequestUpdates` object in `GetRequestUpdates` callback are coming only when user opens ZendeskUI
How can we get `ZendeskRequestUpdates` with actual data (`hasUpdates`/`newComments`) without waiting for user to open ZendeskUI?
Serj Lobov
I will add some info:
You can actually make proper responses by opening support UI, sending your request and then closing support UI. The problem is: the whole app stucks if you do that. Why? Still trying to figure it out
Serj Lobov
For some hilarious reason if you Open-Close Zendesk Support UI the game will still be on pause, so you need manually call ZendeskMain.zendeskPauseHandler.ResumeApplicationInternal();
So our temporary solution is the one above: you open support Ui, send your request, close support UI, resumes the game. This makes it update at least from second attempt (not immediately unfortunately)
Eric Nelson
I'm syncing with the corresponding dev team to get some eyes on this. I'll touch base later this week with what I find.
Maël N.
We have the same issue and it is a critical feature for our use-case. This bug is making us reconsidering using Zendesk for the future.
Yuri Alfano
Hello everyone,
Thanks for your feedback. The behaviour you are experiencing is triggered by the caching.
At the moment, for the current Unity SDK,
get cached for up to an hour. Any subsequent calls within that timeframe will return the same cached object without querying the network.This won't be the case once we release the new Unity messaging SDK in a few months.
However, we have collected your feedback and we are now discussing the opportunity to improve this also in the current one. We will follow up shortly.