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automate refresh

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Posted Feb 10, 2022

The page that listing our tickets should be automated updating the queue.


I have been online all the time, with my ticket list tab page opened, i checked it periodically and found no ticket is coming.

but once i refresh the tab, the ticket show up with an hour ago time.
this is bad, please make it automate





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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone, 

Our PM Salvador shared an update in the following thread that I recommend everyone takes a look at: Automatic Refresh in Views

Since the thread I linked above is more active, I'm going to close this one out but I encourage everyone to continue sharing their feedback over there.

Thanks again for sharing your feedback with us!


Same issue also happen to us, when i manual click the refresh button.

error occur below

There was a problem retrieving additional information for tickets in this view.
Please clarify how to automate refresh the views and tickets.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Radzi, 
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk! 
It appears that this is related to a known issue that our expert team is currently working on. I will be converting this into ticket and attached it to the main ticket that is being work on by our dev team. 
May we also request that you enable account assumption as we continue to investigate this case.  
You will hear from us once the issue has been resolved. 


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Nhia Lor

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Radzi
Thank you for your patience with us regarding this matter.
Our development team has now rolled back a feature update which we identified to be causing the issues with the update times in Views.  The update times in Views should be refreshing and updating again as expected which we have also tested and confirmed from our side here.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused and feel free to let us know if you still run into any further difficulties and we'll be glad to assist!


Hello, I am still having this issue? No auto refresh? And the refreshing manually is very annoying. Very small click area..


Hello, is this still an issue? We are seeing the similar message "There was a problem retrieving additional information for tickets in this view?"


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jason,

I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Care team can look into this with you.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created. 


Hi - one of my agents is reporting a similar issue "There was a problem retrieving additional information for tickets in this view". Is there a way to resolve this?

Thanks in advance


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Matt,

I created a ticket on your behalf so I can investigate the issue further. Kindly check your email for updates. Thanks!


Team members here have been receiving this notice as well. 


Hi there. It looks this is still an issue as our reps are reporting this same error message issue that they see randomly throughout the day. Is there a fix for this yet? Please, let me know. Thanks!


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Chris, 
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I've created a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Care team can follow up with you and investigate.
I hope this helps!


Good morning, we are seeing the same issue with our views, and we are also seeing, this message in the view "Something went wrong. Try refreshing the page."


We believe this may have been related to the recent Chrome update.  We cleared our browser cache and the problems above have been resolved.


Some users who are not in Zendesk all the time report this issue. They always have to refresh the views first before the view is refreshed.


Is Zendesk able to influence and improve this?


Answer from Support

In diesem Fall handelt es sich um eine Einschränkung von Zendesk.
"Ansichten werden in Support nicht automatisch aktualisiert."

Dies ist nur der Fall, wenn die "Play-Schaltfläche" verwendet wird, dabei werden die Ansichten alle fünf Minuten aktualisiert.
Weitere Details dazu finden Sie hier: 

Unter anderem gibt es auch Apps und Browser-Erweiterungen von Drittanbietern, welche dies ermöglichen, wie zum Beispiel die "Zendesk Auto Refresh" für Chrome: 

Weitere Details zu diesem Thema finden Sie unter anderem auch in dem folgenden Artikel:
Können Ansichten automatisch aktualisiert werden? 


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