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Display Article List in Alpha order by Title
Posted Apr 14, 2022
I need to display the article list in alphabetical order by title. But, it seems like while I can sort on (e.g.) Last Edited, I cannot sort by title. Which seems like a major omission in functionality.
1) How can I do this?
2) If I can't sort the article list by title, is there a workaround/alternative?
Sorin Alupoaie
Stephen, the Help Center Manager app will allow you to view your articles in a Excel-like format with advanced sorting, searching and filtering (among other things).
Stephen Kairys
Thanks. But don't think it'll work for me. We're not looking to add any third-party apps.
Ashley Boose
You would think this would be a basic functionality of the article list. Definitely not something you should have to pay an extra service for.
Stephen Kairys
@Ashley, exactly! Sorta like having an employee list and not being able to sort by Last Name. ;)
Corey Winer
When will sorting by Title be implemented??
This is a very basic sorting functionality that should already be present.
Orsolya Forster
Thank you for your feedback! I agree, sorting by title should be a basic functionality available for article lists, and we will try to prioritize it soon. I'll update this thread when we have details to share. Cheers!
Brittani McClain
Is this feature on the list to be implemented soon? We recently moved over to Guide/Knowledge Base for all of our standard operating procedures, and being able to sort alphabetically is a key function we need to keep it organized and promote the use of Guide.