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Translated Labels for Translated Articles

Posted May 23, 2022

Feature Request Summary: 

Zendesk Guide should allow translated articles created off of a default language article to have their own unique labels in that language.  

Description/Use Cases: 

We have recently translated a great deal of our content from English into Simplified Chinese to help users we have China.  Having labels in Simplified Chinese on that content would help those Chinese users perform support self-service, their search results would be improved, and their answer bot recommendations would be improved.  Our organization is currently lacking in direct support capacity for this language, so improving self-service is a major goal.

Since the labels only apply to the default language article, we cannot add Chinse labels or remove the English labels without negatively impacting self-service functionality for one set of users.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

This would improve search and answer bot auto-recommendation functionality in those languages, without negatively impacting the performance of those functions in the default language.

As it is currently, on an article about using the help center, you might have an English default article with the labels "Use" "Help" and "Center" but you cannot create similar labels on a translated Spanish version (for general example) "usar" "ayudar" and "centro" - therefore the Spanish version is going to perform worse on findability. And if you added all six labels (both English and Spanish) to the default article you would degrade search and recommendation performance on both by diluting the label pool.

Other necessary information or resources:

Using labels on your help center articles – Zendesk help




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for posting that detailed feedback and for using the template, Chad Pryor

If other users have similar needs or like Chad's idea, please up-vote his post, and add any details or additional thoughts in the comments below. Once there is a critical mass of interest, our product managers will join the conversation. 


This is a big problem for us as well, especially adding in more languages. Adding in that more labels reduces the value of the label makes it even harder. If you're supporting 12 languages and you add a common synonym as a label then translate it, you go from 1/1 to 1/12 for your one label. 

We also have utilized labels for common spelling corrections. Adding these for different languages and different autocorrects further devalues a label.


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Chad Pryor,

You can add labels in different languages to an article. They will be shared across all translations.  


Tetiana Gron the entire point of this request is that they are not shared, they are unique per article in each translated language. Adding search terms for every potential language to one master article is going to deteriorate the search performance of the article in all languages and lead to false positives.

The article I linked in my original request includes this - Using labels on your help center articles: Best practices for adding labels – Zendesk help - "Labels can help boost the search relevance of an article. However, you should use labels carefully and sparingly. It's more important to make sure the article title and body contain the relevant keywords."

We cannot use labels carefully and sparingly in articles that contain the relevant keywords unless those labels can be made unique for the translated articles.  Adding 7 languages of keywords to an article and having 1/7 odds of it containing the correct language is completely at odds with the best practices as defined in that documentation.


Upvoting Chad's post because we have similar needs for our help center. Also a related question: Do the "Related to" tags also only apply to the default language of the article?


Chad's feedback is in big part why Zendesk search doesn't work for us.


The feature proposed by Chad is very relevant and would be very useful to us, currently working on the Help Center of a very big company


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