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Messaging Bot Feature Request - Content Managment Export/Import

Posted Jul 12, 2022

Having the ability to export the content which the chatbot sends will help Quality control teams to review it and make sure that there are no issues with the messaging of the chatbot. 

Morevoer, this would also be required for translated messages as localization teams will also need to review them.

Another feature request is to be able to import changed messages by a .csv or a .xlsx this would cut down the time needed for admins to implement changes. 




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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Garegin,

Thanks for the feedback. Providing admins with the ability to upload custom translations is something we would like to support sometime early next year. It will help us greatly if you share more details on your use case including:

  • How many languages would you need to localise?
  • Would you require the ability to export all of the bot content or just certain answers?
  • How frequent would you need to export the content?



It's not only about localisation but also about content management, audit, bulk revisions. We would want to have an opportunity to keep the whole bot logic, the flows while dynamically editing the English source. 

Re localisation:

1. Up to 30 languages, but a minimum can be up to 10 top languages.

2. All content

3. Depending on changing circumstances, up to several times per month. In general, regularly. Currently we export Zendesk Support dynamic content at least once a week for example for multiple purposes. 


We would like to see the Export and Import functions implemented for data backup and multi-brand data reuse. For localization, we would like to be able to use dynamic content and placeholders in the Flow-builder.


Is there any update regarding importing/exporting content for chatbot for auditing purposes? This would be beneficial for our team as well. 


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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing your feedback. The ability to export and upload custom translations is on the roadmap for H1, 24 and the ability to import/export bots between instances is also on the roadmap but no ETA at this stage.


Hi there,
is there an update on when this will be coming - we are halfway through H2, 2024. 
We would like to pull and push via API at the very least and parce all the data into our own tables to be able to manage multiple branded bots in languages with various bespoke options relating to the features we sell to the clients we manage, 

Is there any API documentation on this? 
Is there any UI upgrades to be able to manage the work? 
Currently I need to go through ever bot flow after cloning and change out brand names and other specifications. I cannot copy and paste steps from one answer bot tree to another one. I cannot save or work on what I have made anywhere else..
It really makes it hard to keep everything standardised and modular at the same time. When will you release stuff like this? It would also be good to have place holders to be able to be used - so i don't have to change brand names everywhere and other system elements….



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Lisa Tam

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, we have recently released custom translations which allows admins to customise the translations and override system generated translations.  However the ability to export content is no longer on the roadmap due to changes in the product priorities.  I understand the importance of this request however at this time we are not able to commit to prioritizing this feedback. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community. Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.


We really need an export feature for messaging bots to streamline content reviews, collaborate with other teams, and document bot structures outside of Zendesk. This would give support teams easy access to see how the bot is set up and provide input on what answers are missing or need improvement, ensuring continuous optimisation.


+1 to what Charleen Marhold said.

This is what we need in our organisation. 


It's a bit risky to give admin access to a team member to review bot actions as well.


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