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Confused about web widget classic vs messaging vs chat


Posted Nov 13, 2022

I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between these 3 despite having read multiple KB articles on the subject

  • web widget (classic)
  • messaging
  • chat

Also, why is a web widget (classic) called classic? Is there a successor? 

It would be great if someone could give me a bit of history here and a one-liner on each solution. Thanks! 




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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hi Pablo Gonzalez, one way to resume this would be:

  • Chat is a channel and/or Zendesk product which we can enable as a channel on our legacy/classic widget.
  • That said, Web widget (classic) is the legacy widget that has existed for years (previously Zopim).
  • Web widget is the 'new normal', it includes more customizations, Flow Builder integration etc.
  • Messaging is a replacement for the Chat channel. It's the new chat UX embedded in the default Web widget (i.e. not available in classic web widget)

Hope this clarifies things a bit, I understand how it can be a bit confusing :-)


Thank you very much Pedro Rodrigues (! Still confusing, but a little less! 


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