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Guide Search Results


Posted Apr 17, 2023

In our ZD Guide environment, all of our articles have a Summary introduction with a snippet of the article body (based on the KCS guidelines article structure).
Can the search results for our help documentation pick up the summary as part of the meta description? In the search results it is picking up part of the body of the kb article... We would like our customers to see the summary of the article in the search results. Is there a way to change this behavior?



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Jupete Manitas

Zendesk Customer Care

Greetings, Antonio! Thanks for writing in! 
There is no option yet to change the behavior with the Help Center search. When an article, post, or external content is returned, the search engine attempts to find a snippet from the document body that matches the search. If there is no match in the document body or comments, an extract from the start of the document body is returned. Also, it ranks search results based on relevance scores and is displayed to the user in descending order of their scores. This has been mentioned in our guide that caters to Help Center Search functionality:  About help center end user search.
This could be a good feature that you can post here.  


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