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Feature Request: Allow adding/changing requester and/or cc
Posted Dec 05, 2023
Related to this Feature Request.
Feature Request Summary:
Allow agents to set up Macros, Triggers, and Automation to add/change requesters and/or cc users.
Description/Use Cases:
This would eliminate the use of light agents for our team and would give more functionality to all of our users in our school district. We utilize the Light agent feature but it is limiting their ability to update users that are not agents.
The business impact of limitations or missing features:
Notices from the principal are being missed by the requester since they were internal notes. Tickets are being missed in the system since the response is only internal.
Other necessary information or resources:
This would eliminate our need to use Light Agents in our system and allow a cleaner workflow for multiple systems.
Shawna James
Dan McNamara
We are also interested in this feature. Different use case.
Our employee on-boarding tickets are created via email as part of an approval process running in MS Power Automate.
The email sender is a service account, so the service account ends up as the requester and the submitter of the on-board request is a Cc. We would like to automate changing Zendesk ticket requester to be the on-board request submitter so they can see status of all their requests. Currently this is a manual process with the agent handling the change.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi Martha De La Paz Castro and Dan McNamara ,
We have recently updated our Extended Macros app to support setting the requester as well as CC via macro. The app is free to use. Please give it a try, and if it is able to help solve your use cases, do leave a rating. Also, any feedback regarding functionality is much appreciated. You can view our Help Centre article here for more instructions on set up and use.
For automating via triggers and automations, actually this can be done with a webhook. Please let me know if you have more questions about this.
Cheers ~~