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Group / Departments actual ticket resolution time


Posted Jan 15, 2024

** This reports is useful if the ticket can be assigned to different groups through its life cycle 

I was on a mission to find a way to calculate real time each group was assigned to a ticket as Full resolution time only counts ticket resolution time with respect to who solve the ticket not the actual time each (group) worked on the ticket .

My solution divided into 2 parts (Complementary reports)

First Report ==> calculate each group consumption time on each ticket until last assigned group before the ticket is solved (Keyword here is group changing)

steps :
1- from Reports ==> New report 
2-Updates History dataset 
3-In Metric Field choose : Field changes time (Min) 
4-in Rows we will create and choose standard calculated attribute named (Return group)
**calculated attribute** 
IF ([Changes - Previous value]="group_id") THEN "any_name1"
ELIF ([Changes - Previous value]="group_id") THEN "any_name"
5- ticket status in reports filters to choose solved tickets only 

G1 ----> G2----->G3------->G4---solved 
The previous report should return the time interval between every 2 groups like that :
G1 time = xx
G2 time = yy
G3 time = zz
it will not get G4 because the metric is working to calculate the time from new group assignment to and the previous group assignment that's why we use the second Report 

Second Report : How long tickets sit with their last support group until solved 

1-create new Report Updates History dataset
2-Create (the last group update timestamp) calculated Attribute :
IF ([Changes - Field name]="group_id")
DATE_LAST([Update - Timestamp])

3-create (Last Group Time) calculated metric :
DATE_DIFF( [the last group update attribute.],([Ticket solved - Timestamp]) ,"nb_of_minutes")

4-Add this metric to report metrics 
5-add ticket group / ticket ID in rows in the report
6-add ticket group/(the last group update timestamp) in filters ==> important 

7-result manipulation ==> totals ==> Grand total on Rows ==> Aggregator AVG 
8- put the report in a dashboard the same you put Report 1 
9-add group filter to it 

so that You will get average time in minutes for each group from report 1 (group time until last assignment )t hen you will get the average time for a specific group you choose in report 2 (time from last assignment to solve) then add the 2 you will get full actual resolution time of each group  





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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

This is great and super useful. Thanks for sharing Abdelhameed Khaled. I just featured this user tip :) 


Thanks Brett Bowser . Glad if it help someone


Abdelhameed Khaled Thanks for sharing this. Curious to check, how do you add these averages from the two separate reports.


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