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Different Forms for External and Internal Users
Posted Feb 06, 2024
Hi, I'm relatively new to Zendesk and was curious as to whether you can change the 'form' available to end-users based on their 'organisation'? Essentially, we want an entirely separate and private form for our own internal staff which relates to IT based issues, as opposed to what our clients see externally for our product.
We're on a 'Professional' license, for what it's worth.
Grateful for any help you can provide!
Stephan Marzi
Hi Louis Broomfield-Payne,
According to my experience the forms will be available for every organisation in your brand. You can preselect the form for an organisation by adding a trigger which fires in case a group (in case you preselect the group to the organisation as well - we do so) or end-user organisation. In case a form is more convenient to the organisations you can also set the form as the new standard.
Hopefully this will help a bit, perhaps other community users have additional hints for you.
Regards, Stephan
Yvonne P.
Hi Louis Broomfield-Payne
I believe an easy work around would be to set up two separate brands. So in addition to your main brand, just set up a brand called "Internal" or something like that. This way you can clearly separate, setting up a form for your actual brand, and another one just for brand "Internal" > your end users would never see your internal form then.
Internal brand could also be helpful if you ever want an internal Help Center via ZD too.....
Hope that makes sense and helps a bit :)
Kind regards,
Brandon Tidd
Hey Louis Broomfield-Payne -
The above suggestions are very common! That said, there is also a way to restrict ticket forms based on a user's organization leveraging the JavaScript. This would allow you to surface your internal form just for internal users (tied to your internal organization). Additionally, you can leverage User Segments in Guide to restrict help center articles in a similar fashion. Hope this helps!
Louis Broomfield-Payne
Good morning Brandon,
Thank you for your suggestion. However, I was under the impression that the utilisation of JavaScript was not available in the 'Professional' license package, is this correct?
Brandon Tidd
Hey there Louis,
As far as I know you should be able to edit the Guide theme on the Professional Suite. To do this, you would open your Guide Product, go to Guide Admin, click the 'eyeball' on the lefthand navigation menu, customize the current theme and then click "edit code" in the lower right hand corner.
You can always add another instance of Copenhagen if you want to play around with it in a 'sandbox' like environment.