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Product Feedback: side conversations in context panel
Posted Jan 31, 2025
we have a little bit of feedback on this new feature.
1. If you worked on a ticket on a side conversation and then want to work in another ticket then you are back on the side conversation symbol by default while we'd rather want the User information as default setting. Also the User information is our default in the layout we're using so I don't get why this even happens.
2. the longer the side conversation gets the more all the scrolling gets annoying and it is really confusing and chaotic to work on it. Especially because there are 2 scrolling bars. Would it be possible to fixate the subject of the side conversation so that we can always easily see in which side conversation we're working? Moreover it would really help if one could fixate the answering field so in case I'd need to scroll up again I can continue writing my answer instead of having to scroll down again.

Thanks for your help!
Best regards
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Scott Tynan
My team get around this by clicking on the side conversation ticket number and opening it as a new tab.
Eckhard Doll
I agree with Stephanie Schober here. The only benefit for me is that the main conversation remains visible all the time.
I don't seem to have the option to open as a new tab here (MS Edge on macOS). That would help.
Also, being able to set the user information as the default would help. Too many clicks to go back to that view.
Scott Tynan
You may not be able to open in a new tab because they are using side conversations as emails rather than tickets.
Agree, each user should be able to specify what their default app is that opens by default. Sometimes I find it useful if the last one I used stays open and other times it's annoying.
Stephanie Schober
Exactly there's no new ticket when you send an E-Mail. And the same applies when you are the one creating a new side ticket.
I second the issues put forth by Stephanie Schober. To properly read and take information from the side conversation and its title, it's often necessary to widen the context panel which again becomes the default when switching to another ticket, where we need to narrow it again.
The ability to use ctrl + backspace to delete the previous word is much appreciated though (it used to delete the entire previous sentence in side conversations).
Scratch that, ctrl + backspace still deletes the entire previous sentence.