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Alina Wright

Adhésion le 16 oct. 2021


Dernière activité le 19 mars 2025

Zendesk Product Manager

Product Manager for Roles and Permissions





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Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We are working on custom user field permissions which would allow you to set permissions to view or edit custom user fields on custom roles (available on Enterprise plans). This is a request we will continue to track the priority against the other granular feature requests we continue to receive.


I know it's frustrating to feel like your requests aren't being heard, but we're prioritizing against thousands of similar requests like this. We're hoping permissions on custom user fields start making a large impact on your ability to set granular permissions.

Afficher le commentaire · Modification le 19 mars 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Developer Platform
Hey Z2, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback! 
This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community. 
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 25 févr. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Admin Center

Thank you so much for providing this feedback. I have captured it and will consider it for future roadmap planning. 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 18 févr. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireTeam members and groups

Question: I work with Zendesk apps, and I'm looking to further extend our data exporting capabilities for users, and data analysis for brands.  So we want to be able to include the brand information when exporting users to provide the stakeholder with clear information about the agents brand memberships.  From the brands perspective, we have worked on several brand 'migration' projects in the past and anticipate will need to do so again in the future, and so we will need to take agent brand memberships into consideration when migrating a workflow out from Brand A into a separate Brand B.
Thank you for your consideration ~


Alina: Just so I'm understanding correctly, you want to ensure we add ‘brand’ to the export when exporting user data? Adding to the feature request list. Thank you!

Question: Could you please let me know if Zendesk plans to limit access to end-user profiles depending on the brand an agent is linked to in the future? We often receive enquiries about whether this is possible within Zendesk, restricting agent access to specific customer profiles.


Alina: Yes! I don't have a timeline to share but we are working on this.

Question: I don't see mention of reporting/Explore limitations based on Brand assignments. Similar to the new improvements in Roles for scoping Explore data access based on group assignments.

Will agent Brand restrictions also restrict ticket data access in Explore to their assigned brand's tickets?

If Explore won't honor brand restrictions, this should be called out in the Limitations section until addressed. 


Alina: Yes, agent brand restrictions also restrict ticket data access in Explore in the FUTURE. Thanks for calling this out, I added it to the Limitations section.

Question: Does this change impact access to the Help Center articles? Can I restrict a specific set of customers to only a set of articles using the new branding/department spaces feature? 


Alina: You can do this today through user segments in Guide. 


Question: What is the the expected behavior when an Agent is creating a new ticket and Brand spaces is turned on.?

We have found that only Agents associated with the default brand can create a new ticket.  Agents aligned with an alternate brand are unable to create new tickets.  

How do team members associated with a brand that is not a default create a ticket on behalf of a requester?


Alina: Make sure the agents have the right permission to create new tickets on their role settings. They should be able to create new tickets. We did have a bug that we fixed, please try again and let me know if you're still experiencing issues. 


Question: I've already submitted a separate ticket on this, but we're seeing newly added agents having their brand appear blank?? We only have one brand, but they were not assigned to this by default as they have in the past.


Also, can there be an easier way to add/remove users from a brand? Why not have a “Brand” menu option to Manage Users in Support? Or in Admin Console to go to Team Members > 3 dots > Brand? Or in the Admin Console for there to be a main menu option for Brand and Brand Membership (add/remove users)?


Alina: I'm assuming those agents were in a downgraded state at some point when we ran a backfill. You can read more on that here. It won't happen again from here on forward. We're making enhancements on agent brand membership. We're adding an ability to manage the brand from the agent profile.


Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 11 févr. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)
Hi Scott, I'm not disregarding this feedback. We get thousands of requests for feature upgrades and we can't commit to all of it. I've submitted it to our internal system so I can better track it for priority. 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 03 févr. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)
Hey Steven, thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. I understand the request however at this time we are not able to commit to prioritizing this feedback. 
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “Not Planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events and Zendesk Updates. Thank you again for your feedback and we appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 03 févr. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “Not Planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events and Zendesk Updates. Thank you again for your feedback and we appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 31 janv. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi all, thanks for submitting this as product feedback. I've submitted this as feedback in our internal tracking system so I can keep an eye on it. Please continue commenting and upvoting so I can monitor the priority.




Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 29 janv. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)
Hi all, PM for roles and permissions here. Can you help me better understand, is the fact the external ID is the unique identifier here the issue or more so the email? 
Can you share more about how you're using this? We actually have a roundtable coming up on February 12th that will be on this topic that you should consider attending as this is part of the topic. Shawna James perhaps you can send that info. 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 28 janv. 2025 · Alina Wright







Alina Wright a créé un article,

Date de l’annonce Début du déploiement Fin du déploiement
21 janvier 2025 10 février 2025 À DÉTERMINER

Zendesk poursuit le déploiement des espaces de services, une amélioration conséquente pour vous donner un meilleur contrôle sur votre organisation. Les espaces pour les services vous permettent de segmenter l’accès à vos données Zendesk par services internes de votre entreprise. Assurez-vous que vos unités régionales, départementales, de marque ou commerciales sont séparées avec des protections de confidentialité plus solides pour les données de ticket. Affectez à vos équipes les fonctions internes et externes qu’elles servent pour que les données soient toujours entre les bonnes mains.

Pour en savoir plus au sujet de cette fonctionnalité, consultez l’annonce d’origine : Espaces pour les services.

Cette annonce couvre les sujets suivants :

Qu’est-ce qui va changer ?

À partir du 10 février 2025, Zendesk poursuivra le déploiement de la fonctionnalité d’espaces du service. Ces informations s’appliquent uniquement aux clients qui n’ont pas encore reçu cette fonctionnalité.

Vérifiez si vous avez reçu cette fonctionnalité en accédant à la page Membres de l’équipe dans le Centre d’administration > Utilisateurs > Équipe > Membres de l’équipe. Si vous voyez une nouvelle colonne Marques, cette fonctionnalité est déjà activée et vous pouvez ignorer cette annonce. Si vous ne voyez pas de colonne Marques, cette annonce s’applique à votre compte.

Pourquoi cette modification ?

Le déploiement se fera par pod. Actuellement, ces pods n’ont pas d’espaces de service : Pods 17, 18, 19, 31, 20, 23, 27, 28 et 29.

Voici le calendrier de déploiement :

  • Pod 13 : 10 février 2025
  • Pod 17 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 18 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 19 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 31 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 20 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 23 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 27 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 28 : À DÉTERMINER
  • Pod 29 : À DÉTERMINER

Pour savoir dans quel pod vous vous trouvez pour suivre l’affiliation des agents, consultez Comment savoir dans quel pod je me trouve ?

Que dois-je faire ?

Vous n’avez rien à faire. Si vous n’avez pas d’espaces au niveau du service, ils seront automatiquement déployés dans votre compte selon le calendrier ci-dessus.

Si vous avez des commentaires ou des questions au sujet de cette annonce, consultez le forum communautaire, sur lequel nous recueillons et gérons les commentaires des clients sur nos produits. Pour obtenir de l’aide d’ordre général concernant vos produits Zendesk, contactez l’Assistance client Zendesk.

Modification le 20 févr. 2025 · Alina Wright





