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Copy / Duplicate Help Centre articles
2015년 3월 17일에 게시됨
Please can you allow us to copy / duplicate a Help Centre article.
Currently the only way to do this is to create a new article, paste the source code across articles. Even this solution has its drawback as any attachments are lost in the process.
This feature would also solve the issue of creating backups which we are also doing manually at present.
댓글 164개
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi All,
We are nearly at the finish line with Content Blocks and we plan to release it before the end of 2021. As you probably know from earlier posts in this thread, Content Blocks are designed to reuse smaller pieces of content than articles, but as my colleague @... explained earlier, they provide a necessary architectural foundation on which we'll build new features in the area of content reusability. And the first feature we'll tackle after delivering Content Blocks is the ability to publish one article in multiple sections, categories and brands. We are planning to start this work at the beginning of 2022.
Amanda Winston1
Being able to clone articles would be very helpful.
David Dewey
Being able to duplicate help centre content to sub-brand help centres would be incredibly helpful.
Juan D'Achiardi
Agreed. Duplicating help centre articles with labels and all other properties would be extremely helpful. I am running a Hub/Spoke setup for 3 brands (multi brand doesn't do it for us yet) and every time I create an article I need do it 3 times.
Adam Fronteras
we have about 100+ documents that we need to copy from one brand to another
would be hugely helpful!
I have about 50+ brands to create help centers for this month. Being able to duplicate content across all brands would be SUPER useful.
Timothy Curtin
Agree with this one, hope its on the radar.
Jennifer Friday
We have clients that need their own branded sites too - this capability would be huge for us!
Dear all above,
We're actually investigating this functionality for several Zendesk customers.
What if we joined forces (financially) and created an app to make copying/syncing between two or more Help Center's possible. How much would you consider investing in this app, based on a monthly price (in order to keep the app up-to-date)?
Please let us know,
Jean Jimbo
This would also be helpful if you're editing an existing article especially when anticipating that the article will change multiple times before it's finalised. It's a right pain that an article can't be drafted while the current version is live.
Krux Digital
+1 for this.
Use case would be: articles that are added to sections permissioned to specific organizations.
Or to solve for that, allow for org view permissioning at an article level.
I'd also love to be able to clone a whole help center to a new brand too. No response from Zendesk on this thread?
Christian Colding
Hi all,
I just wanted to let you all know that while we have not provided a comment here it is not due to a lack of interest, but simply that we don't currently have any updates.
Adding in the ability to duplicate articles might very well be something we add in, it's just not on our immediate roadmap as we are currently focusing on other things.
Alexandra Cronel
Clone articles would definitely save precious time!
Permanently deleted user
+1 for multi-brand customers!
If you manage manage multiple brands, you have articles that obviously overlap across your brands, so it makes total sense to be able to duplicate easily an article in another brand help center. Thanks
Larry Barker
Such a basic feature. Surprised we can't do it. Add me to the list of those wanting it.
Permanently deleted user
Doing this with a partner is ridiculously expensive and if we want to do it manually is a lot of time for Customer Service. I have more than 100 articles and 3 brands. Super important.
Larry Barker
I can't imagine using a partner or 3rd party product for this. It should be as easy as a checkbox, dropdown duplicate/delete/move, etc. bonkers.
We also have multiple brands and would love to be able to copy articles between multiple Help Centers.
Mike Brosius
This is very much needed, also if we could copy and duplicate whole help center as well
Nikolaus Kaiser
This feature would be of HUGE value to me. At the moment I'm managing 9 brands, and there is an incredible amount of manual duplication and copying that I need to do. Not to mention it's almost impossible to have accurate version control. Any updates, Product Managers?
Christian Colding
Hi Nikolaus,
Unfortunately we don't have any update at this point.
Marylou Scott-Smith
It's crazy that we can't do this. We have more than 100 articles for each of our four brands. Zendesk really needs to get this on their roadmap!
Helvijs Vigners
Also, we would like to have an ability to use articles across multiple brands, or maybe export and import somehow, or copy from one to another.
Is there a way to do it without losing images!?
+1 We need this feature. Are there any updates?
Bill Kuhar
People searching for help won't always ask a question the same way. For instance, someone might search "How do I access my account?" When another person might search, "How do I log-in to my dashboard?"
My company doesn't have a lot of questions to answers, but they are almost always asked in a different way. I want to have a hefty knowledge base so answers can be found no matter how the person asks. The easiest way to do this would be to duplicate my existing articles and change the wording a bit.
Please make this possible.
Christian Colding
Hi Bill,
Have you considered adding the alternate ways to say this as labels to the article? For example you could add the labels "log-in", "login" and "dashboard" and then when people search for those terms the article will appear in their search results without you having to duplicate articles.
If we supported duplication on articles in this case, how would you go about editing those articles? If you start to create copies won't that introduce a big workload in updating each individual articles?
Marylou Scott-Smith
Hi Christian,
Just to weigh in on your comment to Bill, in my case we have three different brands where the only information that changes in each article is the company name, email address and in some cases other minor details. Tags wouldn't work for us.
It would be so much easier to be able to duplicate articles and just change the pertinent info rather than to have to create each document three times.
Chloë Webber
I have just set up multi brand and am investigating the best way to manage similar articles across the brands (there will be many articles that will need duplicating).
This feature would be great. However - has anyone considered or had any experience regarding the SEO implications of all this duplicate content?!