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Adding suggested people as a lead or contact

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Nova Dawn

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Recently, a 'Suggested People' box has started appearing in my Inbox tab instead of my Suggested People tab. It keeps requesting that I add bot email addresses as leads. How do I disable this feature?


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Beau P.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Colin,

The ability to toggle off the suggestions on the inbox tab is under development, but not presently possible. I would recommend following this feedback post to stay in the loop on developments regarding this function:

Beau | Customer Advocate |

Ask our Zendesk Community



Why would you guys push the suggestions to prod before having completed the ability to disable it? Couldn't you guys just roll back the suggestions feature until that toggle is complete? I don't understand why you would intentionally create a bad user experience by implementing the suggestion without implementing the feature to remove it?


This comment has been edited by the Zendesk Community Team to meet our Community Code of Conduct


Thank you for editing my comment without answering my question.


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