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Securing sensitive information

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Charles Nadeau

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




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Audrey Ann Cipriano

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello EM-COP Admin! First of all, welcome to our Community!

I'll go ahead and create a ticket for you so we can check this further. You should be receiving an email shortly! Thanks! :) 


It is amazing that Zendesk offers native capability to redact any sensitive information from the ticket. However, it is manual and time-consuming to redact even as little as 10 tickets. Also, it is error prone and non-compliant if an agent misses redacting a message/attachment.

We, at Strac, have built a Zendesk Redactor solution which will automatically detect and redact messages/attachments. It will also redact portions of sensitive data in images/attachments. Please check us out here:


Hi there, does anyone know how we could restrict light agents from accessing certain attachments (such as quotations, PO's) while still being able to upload and work with photographs, for instance?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Zendesk Team,

There is no option to restrict light agent permissions to specific attachments. Generally, Light agents can view tickets (including ticket comments and attachments), make private comments, request a ticket by private comments, be CC'd, add attachments, view user profiles, and apply macros. 

You have an option to configure light agent ticket access and reporting permissions depending on the plan that you are on. This will allow you to restrict light agents' access to tickets within a certain group.

In the specific scenario you've shared, if it's possible in your workflow you can assign the tickets with certain attachments to a group and restrict light agents from accessing tickets within that group. More detailed information on how to configure light agents ticket access here: Configuring light agent ticket access and reporting permissions


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