Explore recipe: Tracking length of service of your agents

Edited Mar 07, 2025




I added another filter for Requester Status is Active. That cut my list down quite a bit.


so I have created a custom metric around this, but what I have not been able to figure out how to report by month. So assuming no turnover this would increase each month (avg or Med, or even Min), but It would be very interesting to see ticket resolution time vs agent length of service (as well as many other comparisons with agent length of service).

Has anyone had any tried or been successful in figuring this out?


Hi Matt, if you're asking how to calculate length of service by months instead of by days, you can do that by changing the last argument of the DATE_DIFF function in your standard calculated metric from "nb_of_days" to "nb_of_months". See the DATE_DIFF listing here for more options: Explore functions reference


No, I am good with using days of service, but I would like a report by month in avg days if service by agent. So with. I turnover each month would increase. But if I added new agents it would lower.

Then from here I could look at CSAT by agent service days, etc.

Hopefully that makes sense.


Hi team,
How do i calculate the resolution time in this case? Kindly help me with a formula.
This is Support→ Updates history.


Thanks in advance. 


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Jon Daniels

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sarthak Sahu this is unrelated to the article you are posting on, but reporting on the resolution time is much easier to do with the Full Resolution Time metric in the Support - Tickets dataset, outlined here:

Explore recipe: Reporting on full resolution time


Full resolution time is defined as the time between when a ticket is created to when it is solved for the last time, which is what it looks like you are going for.

If you run into any issues building this, just message us from within Support! (Click your avatar in the upper right, then choose “Get Help”) - we'll be happy to help you brainstorm.


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